Chapter 10 - Billy

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    LunaStar ran through the halls, tracing the thoughts of her victim. It still gave her a headache, listening to others' thoughts, but she had learned to ignore it. Pain was all in your mind. That was a skill LunaStar had learned.
    Nothing. The thought echoed through LunaStar's ears. She's gonna kill meeee. Was their next thought, both thoughts full of nervous and scared emotion. It mingled with her own and made her confused as to what her emotions and feelings were.
    LunaStar felt a strong wave of love and gratitude to Tavern and hatred of him. Bethany felt scared - scared of the aninatronic, scared of love, scared of her brother.
    "Get back here, you bitch!" LunaStar called out. "I don't know what you did to your watch guard, but I'll be your new watch guard!"
    Bethany stumbled. LunaStar heard her Oh fuck! And then a thump!
    LunaStar followed the cursing to the culpret's location.
    "Gotchya!" LunaStar said, then was struck on the back of the head.
    Having had Misty do this before, LunaStar had been prepared. She will admit, her vision did darken, but it quickly regained. Quick as a snake, the black cat animatronic turned around and grabbed what she thought was Bethany. But it wasn't.
    The Not-Bethany grabbed her arm tightly - tighter than anyone LunaStar had ever met. Her facial recognition went crazy as it tried to scan the figure in the shadows. LunaStar heard muffled thoughts and recognized Misty's voice in them. And recognized the panicked breathing and her trying to soothe herself.
    A sudden, fiery pain erupted throughout LunaStar's arm and she flinched back, screamed with pain, and punched the person. It didn't connect. She punched the wall. Misty's thoughts quieted as the dark gray fox animatronic passed out. LunaStar's fist hurt from punching the wall and she heard a giggle. A giggle that sounded like it was from a child. And it sounded very familiar.
    She had to try. "Ally?" LunaStar whispered. "Are you there?"
    "I'm here," Ally whispered back.
    "I'm here, too," another familiar voice spoke up.
    "We've been here, both of us," Ally said. Her voice sounded like music to her ears.
    "But you betrayed us!" The second voice shouted, making LunaStar's ears hurt. "YOU BETRAYED ALL OF US!" A pause. "Now... I was talking to Ally about this, and we thought it was about time we got our revenge." A slightly longer pause. "You'll see us in ways you would never expect."
    "I loved you once, Elizabeth," Ally confessed, her voice never faltering. "But now, that the real you has been showed, I don't even know why I even fell for a monster like you!" Her voice slowly rose until it was shouting. "I HELPED you!"
    "We will start with you," both Ally and the second voice said together. "We will take and take and take until you fall apart. We will make you feel everything we felt when you killed us. What we had to go through." Ella's voice disappeared.
    "What I had to go through," Ally finished.
    And what LunaStar had considered this moment on to be the third most painful and confusing experience of her animatronic life. Pain shot through her body like someone had started to burn her alive. She screamed again. LunaStar looked around desperately for something to knock herself out with when she saw her arm. Now detached from her body. She had forgotten about it when her two victims started talking. With her arm still attached to her body, she lifted up the arm and punched herself on the side of the head, successfully knocking herself out.

    "Elizabeth," Billy greeted the broken girl.
    "What do you want?" Elizabeth demanded, a wild look to her eyes.
    "Now, that's no way to speak to me," Billy said, mocking a sad tone. He slapped her. Elizabeth didn't feel a thing. She smiled.
    "There you go," Billy told her, smiling back at her. "There's that smile I wanted to see."
    LunaStar screamed with fright.
    Elizabeth said nothing more, which made Billy pat her head.
    "Now, go brush your hair and meet me in the living room," Billy instructed her.
    Elizabeth didn't roll her eyes, as she would often do with her mother. Instead, Elizabeth walked over to her bathroom and grabbed the old brush. She lived locked up in Billy's basement.
    LunaStar wanted out. Stop, stop. Please. Don't, she thought desperately.
    She started to brush her tangled hair. Billy watched approvingly at her. Not once did she wince with pain.
    Elizabeth had a plan. She would take the scissors that were lying on the bathroom sink and stab Billy with it. She would then run away.
    Elizabeth remembered with a stab of sadness that Ally had taken her in when her mother abandoned her at the age of eight. Ally's parents taught her how to act and how to control her emotions. Their faces were a blurry image in Elizabeth's head as she tried to remember them. Even Ally's face had begun to disappear.
    "There you go, now you look beautiful, my child," Billy complimented her.
    Elizabeth slowly put down the brush and slowly moved her hand towards the scissors. She smiled with what she was about to do.
    Like a snake, Elizabeth darted away from the mirror and stabbed Billy in the chest with the sharp scissors. He yelped with pain and tried to grab her as she stumbled over his body. Elizabeth hadn't had a clean change of clothes since she got her. She ran up the basement's stairs, kicked open the locked door and ran outside.
    The noises of the outside world hit her like a truck. She stumbled as she tried to navigate around the busy neighborhood. She instinctively went to the only place she had ever called home - Ally's house.
    Her lungs ached already from not being able to run around the basement and from all the dust and damp air she had been breathing. The air outside smelt weird and her nose was hit by every new scent. Dogs barking made her flinch and run faster. Elizabeth's torn up clothed were stained with blood and most likely covered with a little bit of mold. Billy hadn't given her shoes, so she had walked around his basement barefooted.
    It was starting to rain when Elizabeth finally reached Ally's house - which was by the edge of town. She was breathing hard and her heart was racing. Her already torn up jeans were now almost unwearable, for she had fallen and scraped her legs and knees against the cold, hard concrete. Her arms, face, and chin had also suffered the same consequence of her falling.
    Many people had called out to her, asking her if she needed help, or scoffing at her as she pushed them aside in her panic.

    Ally's parents found Elizabeth the very next morning, shaking, cold, and crying, her clothes were barely unwearable and they picked up Elizabeth, brought her inside, and gave her plenty of warm, fuzzy blankets to wrap up in. Ally came rushing from upstairs, crying, her sister Londyn following close behind.
    "Elizabeth!" Ally exclaimed. "It's been three months! I... I didn't know if you were alive." She paused, and noticed Elizabeth's bruised and bleeding face. She turned to her mom and dad while Londyn walked over to her, whipping her tears. She sat down next to her and said nothing.
    All of a sudden, Londyn hugged her. It was a loose hug, but a hug nonetheless. At first, Elizabeth had thought that Billy had found her and was going to pick her up and bring her home, but then slowly realized it was just Londyn.
    "I'm so glad you're back," Londyn sobbed.
    "Aren't you going to take her to the hospital?" Ally questioned her parents, who sounded like they were going to cry, too.
   "Yes, of course, dear," Ally's mom replied.
    "Don't you ever leave me ever again," Londyn demanded in a sad and angry way, making Elizabeth flinch.
    "I--I won't," Elizabeth rasped out. She hadn't really talked in the three months Billy had her held captive.
    "Here, I--I'll get you a glass-- no, I'll get you the gallon of water," Londyn said, not really offering. She unwrapped her arms from around Elizabeth, who had finally stopped shaking, got up, then headed to the kitchen where the fridge was.
    She pulled out the gallon, shut the fridge door, came back to where Elizabeth was sitting on the soft, comfy couch, and gave her the gallon. Elizabeth looked at Londyn for approval, as she always did with Billy.
    "We'll bring her to the hospital right away," Ally's dad soothed his daughter.
    "Londyn honey, will you get Elizabeth some clean clothes out of Ally's room?" Ally's mom ordered.
    "Okay," Londyn said, then looked reluctantly back at Elizabeth.
    Elizabeth had been staring at her, waiting for her to open the lid to the gallon.
    "You can have some," Londyn pointed out to Elizabeth. "Here, I'll open it for you." Londyn took off the lid and got off the couch. "Drink as much as you want. I'll be right back."
    Elizabeth didn't understand. "Don't you want a drink first?" She asked.
    "No, no," Londyn replied. "It's all for you. We can always get more."
    "Yes, Billy," Elizabeth said without thinking.
    Ally turned around, startled. "What'd you say?" She demanded.
    Elizabeth accidentally dropped the gallon of water and it landed on the floor. She immediately started to apologize profusely and bent down to pick up the gallon. "I'm so sorry, it won't happen again. I'm so, so sorry." Elizabeth, forced into a habit, put the lid back on the gallon, put the gallon in the table next to the couch, went up to Ally, and braced herself for a hit.
    She close her eyes, waiting. And then waiting some more. "I've been bad," Elizabeth mumbled. "It was all my fault."
    She slowly opened her eyes. What was she waiting for? Did she want to punish her with a knife again? But Ally just looked confused.
    LunaStar screamed again, clawing at the floor. She forced herself back into the present. Billy was dead. Ally was dead. Everyone LunaStar ever knew was dead.

Mechanical Instinct (A FNaF Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now