Chapter 12 - Reunited

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Misty went looking for Ghost again. However much she tried, she couldn't shake off the feeling of paranoia and that she was feeling watched. Ever since LunaStar saw... something and started to freak out. Ghost had ran over to help her, and Misty had left the room. Whatever had taken control of her body before had left.
"Ghost?" Misty asked as movement caught her eye.
But it wasn't the small rabbit animatronic.
"Hello, there," the girl greeted the animatronic.
Misty's eyes widened. A... human? "Hello?" She echoed.
"It's so good to see you again!" The girl exclaimed, making Misty flinch.
"What?" Misty gasped, but she recovered quickly. "I mean, you look familiar, but...." she paused, expecting the girl to say her name, but she stared up at the dark gray fox animatronic with her blue eyes. "B-but, um, I... I can't seem to place where I know you," she quickly continued after quite a few moments of awkward silence.
The girl let out a friendly laugh. "Oh, Madison! I'm Ally, your friend," her former friend informed her.
Misty's brown and green eye lit up. "Ally! Oh my gosh, I'm so glad to see you!" She had so many questions, but she couldn't seem to bring them to words like Where have you been? Why haven't visited before now? How are you? Where is Elizabeth and Ella? Is she with you? And so, so many more.
Ally smiled back at her, but a troubled look flashed in her eyes. Misty's own eyes flashed with concern.
"Wh-what's wrong?" She questioned her friend cautiously.
Then Ally was back to normal. "Nothing!" She replied cheerfully. "Where's Elizabeth?" Her tone suddenly got low as she asked about the killer.
Misty felt a bit scared. "I was going to ask you that," she confessed.
Ally swayed her leg back and forth, front to back. "Do..." she hesitated. Misty looked back at her, for she had been looking around for Ghost. "Do you... um... still consider Elizabeth a friend?"
"No, no, no," Misty answered with a small laugh. What a thing to ask! Imagine Misty and LunaStar... as FRIENDS? Ha! "No! LunaStar killed me. I even set up a shock system to keep her upstairs!"
It was Ally's turn to be surprised. "Wh-what?" She had stopping swinging her leg. "What do you mean?" Ally grew curious, as would anyone in this situation.
"I'd show you, but..." Misty sighed. "It's kinda'... how should I say.... disabled?"
Ally tilted her head, showing her confusion. "What?" She asked.
"Yeah," Misty continued. "The shock system didn't work as it had so many times before. It only stopped working when--" she cut herself off. "Wait a second. Wait a second. Where is Randy? Why was it when he appeared, everything went wrong?"
"Randy? Who? Wrong, when? What?" Ally questioned.
But Misty wasn't paying attention to her former friend. She started to pace again. "Randy must have shut off the shock system and disable the high-security alarms. But.... how? If he did it, then he must have watched me set it up. But he acted so confused and asked so many questions as if he didn't know a thing about it. He even asked the questions some people forget to ask."
"I--" Ally started again.
"So, it maybe couldn't be him, could it. But if LunaStar figured out what tiny, little mistake in my system, then just maybe she'd have a chance to get out. But then there was some sort of delay.
"If she'd been smart, she would've shut it down completely. Or did she think that that would be too suspicious? It was amazing that it didn't shut her down the for the whole day! But then she appeared in the storage room and that's where Ghost and I found her. Ghost wanted to help her, but I didn't - for obvious reasons. Help the killer? I'll pass."
"Madison!" Ally almost shouted. "You're thinking aloud. With too much new information. Who is Randy? What shock system? Delay? Who is a ghost?" She paused for breath. "You made that shock system to keep Elizabeth upstairs?"
Misty's eyes widened. She meant to tell Ally about all this when they had the time. Was Ally surprised that Misty had set up a shock system? Not like she did it alone.
"Eliza, take one more step and I'll make sure you never move again," Ally shouted suddenly.
Misty flinched. LunaStar was here? She whirled around and saw the black cat animatronic peeking out of a doorway she forgot was there. It was the storage room - the place she was found in. Misty narrowed her eyes. "What were you doing there?" Misty demanded.
LunaStar's eyes widened as she stepped out. Ally glared at her while the black cat animatronic gave Misty's friend apologetic looks.
"I heard... you and.... someone else talking and decided to investigate," LunaStar answered. Misty realized that she was choosing her words wisely. "And I decided to investigate." She paused. "That was when Ally saw me and... um, got angry."
Misty's anger gave way to confusion. LunaStar was scared of Ally? Then her eyes shone with new triumph. Finally! LunaStar was scared of someone!
Someone tapped Misty so she turned around and saw... no one. She whirled back around.
"Like Madison said, what are you doing here?" Ally barked.
LunaStar didn't answer for a while. "Like I said, I came to investigate," she kept insisting.

Mechanical Instinct (A FNaF Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now