Chapter 21 - Tabitha

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    LunaStar stumbled up the stairs. She was following Randy. He had threatened her with something that terrified her to her bones and back... Something worse than seeing "Billy" again.
    It was almost cliché. LunaStar had been threatening others without thinking what they were feeling. Now, here she was, being threatened.
    But LunaStar couldn't let her get hurt... Not after everything she put her through...
    Randy wanted to show her something. What that something was, LunaStar didn't know. What was she supposed to prevent? Was she going to do something horrible? What if... what if LunaStar breaks apart Misty and leaves her mangled - or even Ghost, maybe even Randy.
    "Maybe if you could stop... her... from, uh, coming," Randy was telling her. LunaStar broke away from her thoughts.
    "Her?" she asked. "Who's her?"
    Randy shuddered. "You'll know when you see her," he answered, still vague. Uhg! That's so annoying! Why can't what she needs to know just be told to her? That would make LunaStar's life easier, that's for sure.
    "What am I preventing?" LunaStar pressed.
    "That's what I'm showing you." Randy sounded frustrated, annoyed. Impatient, maybe?
    It was LunaStar's turn to shudder. Why did she agree to come up the stairs? It's for a good reason, LunaStar's mind argued with itself. But... is it? She'd been trapped up there for - how long? Years? - and was only here because... because what?
    LunaStar had passed out and then woke up in a completely different room. She could read minds...
    The two continued the trek in silence. With LunaStar lost in her mind. She thought back to those she had killed, back to Ally, back to her sister, Londyn, back to how they helped her. LunaStar thought she heard a yelp of delight, so she snapped out of her thoughts and looked around, alarmed.
    Randy had stopped at a doorway and LunaStar almost ran into him. LunaStar had the weird feeling that the yelp wasn't from Randy. It was too girly.
    "Why--" LunaStar started, only to be cut off by Randy holding up his brown hand, silencing her.
    LunaStar rolled her eyes in frustration, finding that she couldn't speak. Then Randy went inside and LunaStar followed, intrigued as to what was in the room. She knew this place like the back of her hand, but, now, the upstairs felt... different. LunaStar decided that there was no other way to describe it. It was like she no longer knew what was where.
    In the room, there were wires and animatronic parts everywhere. The room was cold. LunaStar's and Randy's footsteps echoed around the room, bouncing off the walls a bit.
    "Wh--" LunaStar started only to have Randy to hold up his hand and cut her off.
    Shhh... Randy's voice sounded in LunaStar's mind. Don't speak out loud. We'll talk like this.
    Okay, LunaStar agreed silently.
    There was a sound that sounded like sobbing. Soft, trying to be quiet kind of sobbing. LunaStar knew a lot more about that kind of subject then the average person.
    Who's that? LunaStar asked Randy. Who's crying?
   Randy hesitated. Well... It's who we're looking for. Don't believe her. She'll make up a sob story to get you on her side.
    LunaStar flinched. Really? she asked, startled.
    Yup, Randy answered. Let's hope you're the right one to do this.
    Do what? LunaStar pressed, annoyed with all the vagueness.
    Do the right thing, Randy answered, his voice echoing in her mind.
    WHAT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO?! LunaStar screamed in her thoughts.
    Randy flinched. Jeez. Ow, my ears. And head. Calm down.
    There was a slight ringing in LunaStar's cat ears. Her hands twitched slightly. Yet she still kept an eye out for any sign of thick mist that would indicate that the Author's Spirit was watching them.
    Who are you looking for? Randy asked her.  Through the question, LunaStar could sense the nervousness, the fear.
    Someone who's been bothering me, LunaStar answered, taking the opportunity to be vague.
    "There you are," Randy said out loud.
    LunaStar hadn't noticed, but they had moved to the other side of the room.
    "I brought someone for you," Randy continued, motioning for LunaStar to come to the side of him. LunaStar obliged.
    LunaStar saw a women - curled up in a ball. When she saw LunaStar, she sprang to her feet. All at once, LunaStar felt fear freeze her in place. She knew this women. This was her mother - if you can call her a mother. LunaStar got over her fear and regained herself.
    "You," LunaStar spat. "I thought you were dead."
    Tabitha didn't answer - just glared at LunaStar. She ignored the glare. "I was just fine without you!" LunaStar turned to Randy. "Why do you have her here?" Can I kill her? LunaStar asked him.
    Randy seemed unfazed by her asking to kill the women. "You cannot. And she's here for a purpose." So don't kill her!
    Tabitha tried to speak, but no words came out. Randy turned to LunaStar, his blue eyes staring into her red eyes.
    "You know what to do," he said.
    LunaStar gave him a confused look. "I... don't?"
    Randy smiled. "You do know, Elizabeth. You knew from the start."
    What was he taking about? LunaStar wondered, momentarily forgetting that he could read her mind.
    All the dark brown dog animatronic did was wink.

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