Chapter 5 - Endless Suffering

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[This is a long one chapter, so bear with me through it. I also hope it doesn't have any formatting issues, 'cuz it'll be a butt to fix] WHY IS IT WHENEVER I PUBLISH A CHAPTER, ALL THE FORMAT JUST GOES THROUGH THE FUCKING WINDOW?!

    LunaStar stirred awake, pain still pounding on her body. She groaned with the intense pain.
    "Luna?" A voice asked.
    LunaStar didn't reply, though she slowly opened her red eyes to see who it was talking to her. There was nobody there, but it seemed as if a thick mist was surrounding her.
    "Good," the voice said. "You're awake. Now, don't try to move. The shock hit you pretty hard."
    LunaStar opened her mouth to say something when the voice snapped,
    "No! Don't try to talk."
    Had Misty and the others upgraded that damned security system's shock? She'd experienced it before, but it had never been this bad. Not even the first time she had been shocked.
    "I see that face," that voice said. "You're probably calling me names now. But you don't know my name. I am the... um... well.... the author's spirit," the voice explained.
    LunaStar shot the spirit a very confused look.
    The Author's Spirit sighed. "I am the spirit of the author who is writing this book. I can see and hear all. I can help those in need. But..." its voice trailed off. "Not everyone can see or hear me."
    LunaStar opened her mouth to ask a question, but quickly shut it. She lashed her tail angrily and narrowed her eyes at the mist.
    "You're angry," the Author's Spirit noted in a dry voice. "This'll make things easier. Hold onto something - this'll hurt."
    LunaStar had no time to grab anything near her when a splitting headache hit her. She screamed with the abrupt pain. The pain went from her head down her body. Weirdly, she felt no pain in her tail. But LunaStar didn't notice this. Her thoughts were all jumbled, filled with her own thoughts and those of others'.
    "About thirty seconds left!" LunaStar heard the Author's Spirit's voice loud and clear.
    Before LunaStar's eyes, many images flashed by. Misty's stage, Ghost's room, the security system, the control room, some kind of a crimson-red fox animatronic surrounded by purple curtains, a brown bear, purple bunny, and a yellow chicken animatronic holding a cupcake were on some kind of a large stage.
    She also saw glimpses of the outside. Some mountains, fields, her house, a pillow, a barn, some animals, some pets... She smelt the air. Freedom. It smelt like freedom. But as soon as all this started, it was over. And LunaStar was robbed of the fresh air.
    The black cat animatronic felt her body relax as her eyelids fluttered closed. The last thing she heard before she blacked out again was,
"Sleep well, Elizabeth. Sleep well."

             *      *       *       *
    "How did she get here?" A voice murmered.
    LunaStar startled awake, black eyelids shooting open, red eyes full of fear.
    "Is she okay?" Someone asked in a small voice.
    "Wait!" LunaStar yelled, still in the past when the Author's Spirit had... had done something to her and her body. "Don't!"
    "Don't what?" Another voice asked.
    "D-don't..." LunaStar started then let her voice trail off. In front of her was Ghost. And beside him was Misty.
    Almost instantly, Misty demanded, "How did you get here?"
    LunaStar blinked up at her, confused. "Where?" LunaStar was grateful that her body didn't hurt anymore, but she still had a small headache.
    Misty sighed with impatience. "In the back room. Where you are now."
    LunaStar looked around. Misty was right. The black cat animatronic saw spare suits that were never used, wires hanging down from the celing, endoskeleton parts scattered among the floor.
    "How did I get here?" LunaStar asked, sitting up. No one pushed her back down. Where's the Author's Spirit? She wondered.
    "That's what we're wondering," Ghost said.
    That's what I'm wondering myself, LunaStar thought.
    LunaStar swore she saw something move out of the corner of her eye, but no one else reacted so LunaStar decided not to say anything. "Same here," she admitted.
    Ghost gave the black cat animatronic a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"
    "I don't know," LunaStar said. This wasn't like her at all! By now, LunaStar would've probably shouted at everyone there, making a scene, and then abruptly leave. But all she felt was a strange feeling of déjà vu and calamity.
    LunaStar heard Misty huff, but she didn't care. Why didn't she care?
    "Humph," Misty huffed.
    LunaStar turned towards the gray-and-blue fox. "Yes?" She asked. WHY WASN'T SHE REACTTING?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH HER?!
LunaStar flicked her ear as Misty didn't reply. Her mismatched eyes looked clouded, almost dull, as if she was listening to something else.
    You know, with me to help you, you can find out what she's listening to, a voice said.
    Startled, LunaStar looked around. That voice didn't sound like Ghost or Misty. With the sudden movement of LunaStar, Misty had snapped out of her trace-like state.
    "Who's there?" LunaStar demanded.
    "We are," Ghost answered. "Me and Misty."
    Don't you remember? The voice mused.
    Remember what? LunaStar thought. When the Author did a thing to my body?
   Yes, the voice answered. I am the Author's Spirit, as you already know. I can show you the thoughts of all the other's around you. Maybe it was just LunaStar, but the Spirit sounded bored, as if she'd done this time and time again.
    Wait, what? Holy shit, you can do that? LunaStar thought.
    Yeah, the Author's Spirit answered. Just say the word, and you'll hear others' thoughts.
    "Luna?" Ghost asked. "Are you okay? Do you feel ill, or something?"
     What word do I have to say? LunaStar asked.
    'The star that shines bright', the Spirit replied.
    "The star that shines bright," LunaStar whispered, then almost instantly regretted it. She groaned as pain shot through her head, her headache getting worse. She rubbed her temples, trying to ease it.
    "Luna?" Ghost asked. "LU--"
    "She's fine!" Misty snapped.
    "Then why's her star glowing?" Ghost countered. "That's never happened before, Misty!"
    The pain eased suddenly and LunaStar slowly opened her eyes.
    Why do I care so much? LunaStar heard what sounded like Ghost ask. She jumped.
    "What the hell!" She gasped.
    "How're you feeling?" Ghost asked. At least her star stopped glowing.
    Am I hearing Ghost's thoughts? LunaStar demanded to the Author's Spirit.
    Not technically, the Author's Spirit answered back. I guess you're hearing what I hear, but sized WAY down from what I hear on a daily basis.
    "I--I," LunaStar stuttered. "I guess I'm just tired."
    Yeah, right. LunaStar heard Misty's thoughts. Great. Oh, you're in pain, bitch? Do you know how much pain you've cause me? And my friends and family?
    LunaStar felt offended. But she didn't voice that aloud.
    "Well," Ghost started, only for Misty to cut him off.
    "Oh, you're in pain?" Misty screamed, voice strained. "You're in pain? Good for you, you deserve this pain. Especially after what you did to my sister!"
    "Woah, woah, woah," Ghost said, putting a hand on the angry Misty's shoulder. "I know you're mad--"
    "Wow, good job, Ghost," Misty snapped. "You figured it out. Fuckin' problem solved."
    The door swung open. All three animatronics snapped their heads to whoever slammed the door open.
    "You guys have to see this," the brown dog said.
    "What is it?" Misty asked, her earlier anger forgotten. Hope it isn't anything bad, Misty fretted.
    LunaStar hid her smile of amusement. How quickly Misty could move on from something, but still lingered at the fact that she had accidentally killed everyone. Okay, well... not particularly accidental. Partially on purpose. Okay, mostly on purpose.
    "I found something," the brown dog answered, his blue eyes showing his fear and confusion. "You need to come quickly." Suddenly, LunaStar saw what looked like her mother, laying on the floor, crimson-red blood spewing from a wound somewhere LunaStar couldn't see.
    "Whatever it is, it's hurt. Badly," the brown dog animatronic continued.
    LunaStar was starting to get up when excruciating pain filled her body, making her gasp and fall back down to the ground. Fuck! She swore as she fell.
    LunaStar looked up, clenching her teeth, and saw Misty get up and practically run over to where the dog animatronic was.
     Ghost sighed. "Guess I'll stay with Luna, then." Do you think that she feels the same way I do about her? Ghost asked himself. No, Ghost. She's a killer - a murderer. So why can't I stop thinking about her?
    LunaStar clenched her leg. She felt the pain very slowly easing away. The black cat animatronic knew that it would be a long time before the pain finally eased.
    "So," Ghost began awkwardly. "You okay?"
    "Hell no," LunaStar answered. "My leg fucking hurts."
    "Well, um, I'll go get something for it," Ghost offered.
    LunaStar was puzzled. "Why are you helping me?"
    Ghost didn't reply. He got up and headed for the door, his see-through suit showing how his endoskeleton worked and moved.
    That's when she noticed something. It was barely visible, but there. A small, round chip of some kind was right behind Ghost's endoskeleton's ribcage. LunaStar had no idea what made her notice it, or how she hadn't noticed it before. This struck fear into her. She had seen that before. That chip meant bad news. It could morph things into something it wasn't. It only affected others within its range and certain people. LunaStar had found this information out during a past experience. She had been with her friends, not a killer yet, still with emotions, when they were attacked by what looked like a mangled fox animatronic. Obviously, they were all terrified. Somehow, Elizabeth had knocked the chip off of the thing's body and it just fell into endoskeleton pieces that were just barely held together. With this chip being removed, the one thing holding it all together, it fell apart. Elizabeth scrambled for the chip so she could study it later.
    Elizabeth had stumbled down the path with--
    LunaStar broke herself out of her memories. She didn't want to relive what had happened right then and there.
    "Luna? You okay? Luna?" LunaStar heard Ghost ask. He sounded worried. Scared, almost. She was scared, as well. "L-Luna?" He hadn't left yet. Or... or had he?
    "What?" She groaned, her earlier headache coming back.
    "You okay? You looked like you were about to cry," Ghost answered.
LunaStar sniffed and nodded. She suddenly hugged Ghost, not then knowing why. She started sobbing. She didn't want to relive what had happened, but the memories came back and she couldn't stop them.
Elizabeth had finally caught up to her friends. Madison, Ella, and Ally looked terrified. She knew she was crying. Elizabeth noticed everyone else breaking down, as well.
    "What the hell was that?" Madison panted.
    "I don't know!" Elizabeth cried. "I don't know!" She clutched the chip tightly, being careful not to break it. Everyone around her was panting, including her.
    "Maybe we should go back!" Ally recommended. "See if we should keep running."
    "Are you kidding?" Madison snapped. "And risk dieing? No, thank you."
    What the hell was that? Elizabeth thought. Why did it want us? She voiced her thoughts aloud.
    "I don't know!" Ella answered. "All I want is to get home, and fast."
    "I do, too!" Madison, Ally, and Madison agreed at the same time.
    This was before Elizabeth's mother became a back-stabbing bitch and betrayed her and her family.
    It took forever, but, finally, the group stumbled upon a gas station, sweating and gasping for air. A lady came to the group of teens with worried look.
    "You girls okay?" She asked.
    Elizabeth looked up. She recognized Madison's mother. No one replied to her question as they struggled to catch their breaths, hands on their knees.
    "I'll get you guys some water," Madison's mom said and then scurried away to where the drink were stored.
    The gas station was pretty much empty, apart from some staff and some late-night customers. Elizabeth took out her phone and checked the time. It was 8:30 PM.
   Madison started breaking down, crying hysterically. Ally turned around to try to comfort me. Elizabeth turned around to comfort Madison, too. She saw Madison slowly sinking to the ground, head in her hands.
    Ally was murmuring sweet nothings to her. Elizabeth joined in, almost repeating everything Ally was saying. The rest of the group was starting to cry as well.
    "I've got water," Madison's mother announced. "Dri--" she cut herself off. "Maddy!" She said and rushed over to her daughter.
    Elizabeth barely noticed Maddy's mother rushing toward them. Out of habit, Elizabeth looked up and took a step back.
    "Hey, are you girls okay?" Elizabeth heard someone ask.
    "We weren't okay," LunaStar sobbed.
    "Luna, Luna," Ghost soothed the crying LunaStar. "Who weren't okay? You and who else?"
    Elizabeth looked up again and saw a man. He didn't look familiar. He was wearing casual clothes; blue jeans and a galaxy t-shirt. His amber eyes looked down at the girls.
    "He had amber eyes!" LunaStar cried. "Amber! He--he came to me and... and..." she let her voice trail off.
     "And what, Luna?" Ghost asked gently.
    "He... he," LunaStar continued to stutter. "He said his name was Billy," Elizabeth answered. "He said he could help me and my friends. He brought all of us to the back room so he could patch us up. We all had pretty bad scratches. But when... when we got there - Maddy's mother didn't come along, by the way - I noticed he had a knife. A fucking knife, Jack!
"I didn't have anytime to react. It all happened so fast. He reached for the knife behind his back and stabbed me. I fell instantly to the ground, vision fading. The last thing I heard was, "Sleep well, Elizabeth. Sleep well." He knew my fucking name, Ghost! And I didn't know his! I--" Her voice cracked. LunaStar cleared her throat. "I woke up chained to the wall. My friends no where in sight. Then I saw Him. Billy. He had no knife, but he was butt-naked. I was still in a daze and my body hurt like hell. What had he done to me? I had wondered. But no answer came."
    "Ghost, snap me out of it!" LunaStar cried. "I don't want to relive it! I don't want to relive it!"
    "Luna!" Ghost said. "Luna. You're freaking me out. Calm down!" I would never say this to her, but I'm kind of curious to what happened. Ghost thought.
    My god, the Author's Spirit gasped.
    Shut up, Author! LunaStar thought, not wanting to deal with her.
    "He--he," LunaStar stuttered.
    "Shhh," Ghost tried soothed her. "Don't say anymore."
    "But you want me to, don't you?" LunaStar sobbed.
    "Of course not," Ghost lied.
    "Ghost, you might want to--" another voice started, only to cut itself off. "Woah. What's wrong?"
    No one answered the voice. No one knew of the pain LunaStar had gone through when they isolated her. What she had to relive. The feeling of loneliness, the torture she had to relive. She talked to herself because no one else would.
    "Ghost?" The voice asked again, this time sounding worried.
    No reply. The voice tried again. "G-ghost? Why are you hugging Her?"
LunaStar was still sobbing.
    Misty's there, the Author's Spirit informed her.
    I DON'T CARE! LunaStar snapped.
    Finally, Ghost turned his head to look at Misty, still hugging LunaStar. "Misty," he said. "You have no idea what goes on behind closed doors."
    LunaStar couldn't stop crying. But why? WHY COULDN'T SHE STOP??!!
    "Bring LunaStar," Misty ordered, now annoyed. "She may want to see this, as well."
    "Okay," Ghost said, then turned back towards LunaStar. "C'mon, Luna. Let's go."
    "O-okay," LunaStar shakily replied. She let Ghost help her up. They followed Misty out the door. The sudden blinding light hurt LunaStar's red eyes.

Mechanical Instinct (A FNaF Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now