Chapter 3 - Where'd They Go?

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Misty stared at Ghost in disbelief. "Where did... What did...?" She murmered in confusion.
"Misty," Ghost asked. "If the thing that made the noise wasn't in the box, then what was?" His voice shook a bit with his own fear.
"I... don't know," Misty answered.
"What if it got out?" Ghost asked, eyes narrowing.
"Th-then where is it?" Misty wondered fearfully. Suddenly, an image popped inside of her head. It was of a brown furbee-looking thing with small, glowing red eyes and torn ears, followed along with razor sharp teeth. There, beside it, was a sickening, familiar figure - a black cat animatronic with a red star on its forehead, looking content and vengeful.
Startled, Misty jumped up in surprise, then clenched her fists and screamed. Ghost flinched away in fright from the sudden loud noise emitting from his friend. "What?" He demanded. "I didn't hear anything. What happened?"
Misty gasped for air. The sudden image had startled her so bad that she couldn't breathe.
"Misty?" Ghost demanded again. "Misty! Misty, breathe! Breathe!" He held her by her shoulders.
Slowly, Misty breathing regulated, though, her fists were still clenched.
"What happened?" Ghost asked gentally.
"I... I saw..." Misty stuttered. Then the gray-and-blue fox was filled with rage and she clenched her fists tighter. It was starting to hurt a little, but she didn't care. "I saw Her!" She snapped. "With a furbee-looking thing!"
Ghost narrowed his see-through eyes with a weird look in them. "A furbee-looking thing, Misty? Didn't you use to own one?"
Misty nodded. "Yeah."
"Did it look like that one you owned?" Ghost questioned.
"No," Misty answered. "But I used to own a purple Furbee."
"What'd you name it?"
"Tattletail. Named after one of my favorite games."
"Is that brown Furbee-thing that you saw familiar?"
"Umm," Misty mumbled, searching her memories for it. "No," she said at last. "It's been years since then."
"Hm," Ghost mused.
Why can't I remember it? Misty thought in frustration.
"Well..." Ghost started to say, then let his voice trail off.
"Well what?" Misty pressed.
"Well," Ghost started again. "Um. Wait a minute." He said suddenly. "You said you saw Her with that thing. What did her body language say? Or her eyes? Her pose?"
"Body language; evil... or... angry. Her eyes were cold... merciless. A-and her p-pose told me She still wanted vengance. I do-don't kn-know why... I don't know, G-g-ghost! I--I don't...!"
Ghost cut Misty off. "Misty! Misty! Misty?"
Misty realized now, just now snapped out of her trance, that he was shaking her by the shoulders. The gray-and-blue fox animatronic sighed. Ghost gave her an over exasperated look that meant, 'What now?'
"I'm sorry..." Misty mumbled. "I just..." she let her voice trail off, letting out a small, soft sigh. "I have a bad feeling about this whole thing. I... umm...."
"Famous last words," Ghost darkly joked.
Misty didn't smile, nor did she try to force one. Ghost understood this - he had felt like this before. The feeling of hopelessness, the unhappiness, the loneliness. Feeling like you didn't belong anywhere.
"There's only one thing left to do," Ghost said, looking into Misty's green and brown eyes.
Misty narrowed her eyes. She feared the worst answer. "And that is?" Her voice was low, which was very unusually uncharacteristic.
"We have to see LunaStar," Ghost concluded.
Misty's eyes widened. "What?" She asked, refusing to believe that Ghost just suggested that. Her ear twitched.
"We need to see LunaStar," the see-through rabbit-looking animatronic, his endoskeleton clearly visible to the eye, repeated.
"Her?" She demanded. "YOU WANT ME TO GO TO HER?!"
Ghost simply nodded. His eyes were unreadable. He said nothing. Didn't he know what She made her watch? Misty silently fumed. What She did to her? And her friends? And, most importantly, Misty's sister? Leaving the knife there, knowing Violet would take her life. Misty started to scratch at her suit.
Ghost looked taken aback before his expression quickly changed to a defeated one. "I know I c-can't make you do anything, let alone make you see Luna. I know that. If you don't want to go, then I'll go alone."
"You want to go see Her?" Misty demanded, surprised. "After everything?" She spat.
"You have 'til three," Ghost informed Misty. He hadn't broken his gaze this entire time. He was dead serious. PuN iNtEnDeD.
Misty didn't say anything back, just nodded once. Ghost returned the nod, turned around, and walked away - not looking back. All of a sudden, she felt pain. Misty looked down and lifted her hand that had been continuously scratching the bejesus out of her suit. Her mismatched eyes widened as she saw blood. The animatronic black blood that shone in the light. She examined her fingers, almost trance-like. Her blood. Misty looked at her wrist.
She panicked.
Her blood. Then she saw it.
She relived the pain she felt as she was dying. The repeated stab wounds had covered her entire body. Misty had startled awake and watched in the shadows, animatronic eyes dull, as Elizabth and her partner Bethany killed all her friends. She wanted to call out. To get up.
But she couldn't. Misty couldn't move. No, Misty had thought. No, no no nonononono! Wait! Can't... move. Why...?
Misty had started to drift back into unconsciousness again, then startled awake to see her sister, crying, staring at the knife. And then took her life.
This part played over and over and over again. Her sister, Violet, committing suicide again and again and again.
Misty screamed, forcing herself back into the present. "No! No, no, no! Violet! Nononono.. No. Wait..."
"Are you okay?" A voice asked. He sounded gentle, maybe even a bit cautious.
Misty didn't look up. She didn't care enough. "She... she..." Misty stuttered.
"She what?" Now the voice sounded curious. "What's wrong? Past catching up with you, too, huh?"
Misty looked up just to see who the fuck was talking to her. "It's ju--" she started, then her voice caught in her throat as she saw who it was who was talking to her.
"Why the long face?"
Misty shook her head. No. This wasn't Her. It wasn't. It couldn't. She opened her eyes. In front of Misty crouched a brown dog animatronic. His blue eyes worried.
There's a shock system Misty and the others had helped put together. If She got too close, the security system would let out a warning,"Movement detected; activating system shock."
And that was when she heard it.
"Movement detected; activating system shock."
It was faint, but there.
"What was that?" He asked.
"Her," Misty answered coldly, her earlier episode forgotten.
"Her?" He echoed.
Misty simply nodded. "First warning," she murmered. "First and only."
"What?" The male's voice sounded frustrated and beyond confused. "First wha--"
"Shhh!" Misty shushed the dog animatronic.
"Will do," he said.
"Shhhh!" Misty repeated more fiercely.
This time, the dog animatronic didn't say anything. Wait for it, wait for it, Misty thought eagerly.
"Too close. Preparing shock security." Second warning.
Misty waited in complete silence, listening for the 'bzzzzt!' that was soon to follow. But there was nothing. Thirty seconds passed.
Still nothing.

Mechanical Instinct (A FNaF Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें