Chapter 22 - Finale Pt. 1

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Misty looked around. She was in a wide, open room. Its ceiling was so far above her head - very unlike the rooms of Vincent's Rusty Bucket. A small cat animatronic followed her.
It stumbled and tripped, not yet used to the animatronic suit. Ally - or Molly as she wanted to be called - was that small cat animatronic. Misty continued forward.
"Where are we going?" Molly questioned. But her voice sounded distant - far away. It echoed in Misty's ears.
Misty was limping. She didn't turn around nor answer her friend.
"Madsion?" Molly asked. "Where are you going?" she repeated.
Misty found she couldn't answer the question. Where was she going? All she knew was one thing, and that was that her mind yelled at her; Upstairs! Upstairs!
"Misty!" Molly practically yelled. Misty blinked and she was in a different place - a different room. Her head hurt and her ears rung.
"What?" she whispered.
"Misty!" Ally - who was not in her suit - was shaking her.
"I... What?" Misty repeated. "What! What do you want?"
Ally stopped shaking her. Her blue eyes, her beautiful blue eyes, were shining with concern and worry. "You... you were talking - mumbling, I guess - and then you ran into a wall and it was like you didn't even notice." She paused, eyes closing as she took a deep breath in and then out. "I don't think you even heard me."
Misty noticed Londyn, Ally's sister, was sleeping on the floor by her stage. Misty shook herself, trying to shake off the mindset she had; Upstairs! Upstairs! I need to go upstairs! I-- no. I don't need to. Upstairs! There's no reason to.
"I..." Misty started, then hesitated, not knowing if she should be saying this. "I kept thinking I needed to go upstairs. That I needed to see something. Something... very important."
Ally nodded. "You were saying something along the lines of that," she informed Misty.
This scared Misty. Then the questions started flooding through her head. What was waiting for her upstairs? What lies in that prison that Misty had kept LunaStar in? What was so important that Misty felt that she would risk her life to see this? What even was it?
Apparently Misty had been thinking out loud, because all Ally did was stare at her in shock. "You... you felt like that? You thought that you, umm, had to, uh, risk your own aninatronic life to get to that room - to see whatever it was you needed?"
"Where's your, umm, suit?" Misty asked the ghost of her friend, trying to change the subject.
Ally looked at Misty, confused. "Suit?" she echoed. "I had a suit? When?"
Now Misty was confused. "Your... animatronic suit? The one you called Molly?" Maybe, Misty thought, saying the name would jog Ally's memory.
"When did I say that?" Ally wondered aloud, probably asking no one in particular.
Misty stared at Ally, seriously hoping she was just joking around, but the spirit just stared back, as confused as she was. "A... few days ago?" Misty guessed. It had been a very hectic few days.
Ally made a weird noise. It sounded like she was surprised. The silence stretched on for what seemed like forever.
Then Misty spotted Ghost, the small rabbit animatronic, just walking through the doorway to the room she was in as if he hadn't been gone at all. When he saw Misty staring at him, he smiled and waved. Ghost walked over calmly.
As he got closer, Misty could see that he was limping. He also looked surprised to see that Misty noticed him.
"Oh, hey!" Ally friendly greeted Ghost.
Ghost ignored Ally and kept staring at Misty. Misty grew uncomfortable as she wondered why Ghost, who was usually talkative, was so silent. Without a word, he grabbed Misty's arm and started walking away, half-dragging Misty along. Ally made a small noise and started to follow.
"Where are we going?" Ally asked.
Misty didn't reply. She didn't know. Ghost didn't reply, either.
A tense silence passed between the three. Misty felt like she was in a daze - maybe even a trance. She didn't even notice that they were heading towards the hallway, in the direction of the party room that held the stairs that lead to the second floor.
Misty heard faint murmurs, as if people were talking. There shouldn't be anyone up here, Misty thought, alarmed at the voices. LunaStar wouldn't dare come up here again, and no one sane would come up here. Come to think of it... Why is Ghost leading us upstairs? Where are we going?
The talking voices got louder as they walked along the hallway. Misty almost froze in place when she heard that one of the voices was LunaStar's. WHAT WAS SHE DOING UP HERE?Apparently, Ally was thinking the same thing, for she put a hand on Misty's shoulder and gave her a knowing look. Ghost didn't miss a beat, though, and kept walking. He didn't turn around when Ally and Misty stopped following him.
The two forced themselves to keep moving. For Misty, anger and curiosity drove her on. For Ally, her motives are unknown. Misty thought that Ally came along because she did, or maybe even because she was curious herself as to what was going on.
Whatever Ally's reasons for coming were, she forced herself to walk by Misty's side, not taking her comforting hand off of Misty's shoulder.
The trio enter a room with a high ceiling and, to Misty's horror, looked almost exactly like the room she saw while she was dreaming. However, wires lined the floor and the walls looked a bit cracked at places.
LunaStar and a brown dog animatronic that Misty recognized as Randy were staring at something. Almost as soon as Misty stepped into the room, after letting Ghost taken few steps into the room before cautiously following, LunaStar spun around, a wild look in her red eyes.
LunaStar charged at Misty, her hooked hand raised above her head. Terrifed, Misty screamed. Her brown and green eyes widened as she fell down from being pushed.
It all happened so fast. Ally pushed her, LunaStar missed Misty, but hit Ally. Ally screamed with pain and Misty swore she heard someone running towards them. Randy, now startled, spun around to see what was going on. That was when Misty caught a glimpse of a women, bruised and chained, but with eyes wild and crazy, was lying there. However, and to Misty's surprise, Randy didn't do anything.
"I need to free you!" LunaStar screamed. "I'm trying to save you!"
Misty's ears starting ringing, gaining intensity so that it hurt her ears. The fox animatronic covered her ears in a vain attempt to stop the ringing.
Misty couldn't hear anything. She shot a pleading look at Randy. He still didn't do anything. Ghost ran at Randy, screaming something. The small rabbit animatronic jumped onto the brown dog animatronic and knocked him down. They started fighting, scratching and biting at each other.
Something clawed Misty's arm, tearing it apart more than it was already. She screamed, but couldn't even hear herself. Misty turned her head to see LunaStar right in her face. Her mouth was moving, but Misty couldn't hear anything.
"I can't hear you!" Misty tried to explain. Was she yelling? Misty didn't know.
LunaStar became more frantic. Finally, LunaStar decided to power off Misty's robotic suit.

Mechanical Instinct (A FNaF Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now