S3 E8: In Times Of Need

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Davis: Let's recapping!

Jack: Pfft, at least you know how to make these recaps lively.

Davis: You betcha. Anyways we had a little bit of an upper hand against Evolt, cause he was sick.

Jack: Even then he managed to put up somewhat of a fight, but then... Well... He turned green.

Davis: And we got a little update on how things have been going for you.

Jack: Yep. Stay tuned for more!

[Cue Intro]

(Setting is Christine's apartment. Jack wakes up early and starts to get ready for the morning, but Christine is rolling around on her bed)

Jack: Hm? Christine?

Christine: Ugh... My head...

Jack: You alright?

Christine: I don't feel so good...

(Christine slowly sits up and rubs her head in pain)

Jack: Don't tell me you got sick...

Christine: I think so... I'll have to miss classes for today.

Jack: Then I'll stay back and take care of you.

(Christine looks at Jack with surprise)

Christine: You're just going to miss class like that? What's the professor going to say?

Jack: I'm sure he'll understand. Just text our friends and they can help us catch up.

Christine: Jack...

Jack: You can't change my mind. When the world was against me you were there to help me out. Now I think it's time I return the favor.

(Christine sighs, knowing she probably won't be able to change Jack's mind as he sends a text to Samantha. Scene changes to college campus where Samantha, Davis, Sebastian and Connor look around confusingly)

Samantha: Where's Jack?

Davis: He usually never misses class. Even when he was possessed by Evolt he would rarely if ever miss a day.

(Suddenly Samantha gets Jack's text)

Samantha: Oh... Jack just texted me.

Davis: What'd he say?

Samantha: "Christine isn't feeling too well so I'm staying back to care for her. Can you get us the notes for the class?"

Sebastian: He really cares about her, doesn't he?

Samantha: He does... Let's just hope Evolt doesn't try anything.

(The professor arrives, and even he notices Jack's absence)

Professor: Huh? Where's Jack?

Davis: Watching over Christine. She's feeling sick.

Professor: I see. I can definitely understand that. Just make sure you get them the necessary notes.

Davis: Of course.

(And with that the class pours in to do some lecturing. The professor sometimes looks at the empty seats where Jack and Christine would normally sit as the lecture drags on)

Professor: Excuse me, I have to head out for a few seconds. I'll be right back.

(The professor leaves the theater for a brief moment and the class talks amongst themselves. Samantha and company can hear a faint "Over the evolution!" as the class continues talking. The conversations eventually move on to why Jack isn't here before the professor reemerges)

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