S3 E5: Bouncer

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Davis: Recap time!

Sebastian: So we managed to beat Evolt and make him surrender...

Davis: And then he used that time to do away with Jack's parents... Ouch...

Sebastian: I really hope he recovers from this.

Davis: Tune in this episode to see just what's been going on!

Sebastian: Are you really going to just throw that aside like that?!

[Cue Intro]

(Setting is college campus. Jack and Christine are absent, but Samantha, Davis and Sebastian are all dealing with Evolt before the class starts)

Samantha: Take this!

(Evolt simply dodges the attack and sweeps Samantha to the ground before dropping on her, knocking her out of her transformation)

Evolt: This is too easy!

(Davis and Sebastian don't fare any better and they are also knocked out of their transformations too)

Evolt: Had enough yet?

Samantha: We will destroy you! You hear that?

Evolt: I look forward to that day, if it ever comes!

(Evolt laughs for a few seconds before looking at a big clock positioned on campus)

Evolt: Still though it would be a shame if I were to not show up and teach class.

(Samantha and her friends get up and look at one another in confusion)

Davis: This again?

Evolt: I need not get an email from Jack as I know exactly what I did, and I'll let him take a little time off. Christine on the other hand though... Why's she absent?

Davis: Probably attending the funeral with him after what you did!

Evolt: Like I said I know what I did. Do be sure to help them out with the notes when we get to class? Send them pictures and stuff that you usually do? Ciao for now!

(Evolt disappears into a black hole, presumably to a place where he can safely untransform without blowing his cover while Samantha, Davis and Sebastian meet up with a baffled Connor)

Connor: Did he just say what I think I just heard him say?

Samantha: Yes... He's letting Jack and Christine take time off because of what he did... And he's telling us to help them out with the notes so they don't fall behind...

Connor: I can't even tell if Evolt is joking around with this whole professor shtick or if he's actually serious about seeing us succeed...

Sebastian: At this point I don't know anymore.

(With that the group heads into class where the others are waiting for the professor. Not even a few seconds later he arrives and everyone pours in)

Professor: Sorry I was late, I had some stuff to deal with. Now if you'll excuse me I have some notes to pass out.

(The professor then begins his lecture as Samantha texts Jack to see how he and Christine are doing)

Connor: What did they say?

Samantha: Jack isn't taking it all that well according to Christine, but she's doing everything she can to help out. Whole family is there.

(The lecture continues on, and this time the professor looks at Samantha and Davis)

Professor: Would you two come up on stage?

(The two do as they're told)

Professor: You are allowed any and all props. Show us what you've got.

Samantha: Let's try to keep it simple.

Davis: Right.

Connor: Hey you two! Catch!

(Four fullbottles are tossed to Samantha and Davis as they reveal their build drivers)

Gorilla! Diamond! Best match!

Taka! Gatling! Best match!

(The two spin their cranks)

Are you ready?

Samantha and Davis: Henshin!

(The two transform and prepare to battle. Davis takes to the skies as Samantha tries to swing at him from the ground)

Samantha: Why you-

(The class watches in awe as the two go after one another)

Hawk Gatlinger!

Samantha: Now this is just your undoing!

(Samantha proceeds to create a diamond shield as Davis fires, and the bullets hit him instead, knocking him out of the air. He lands on the stage with a mighty crash before Samantha hoists him up by the neck and grabs his hand and makes him punch himself)

Samantha: Stop punching yourself! Stop punching yourself! Stop punching yourself!

Davis: Ow! Stop that-ow! You little-ow!

(Samantha is too strong for Davis to break away from, and eventually she slams him on the ground)

Davis: Ow... That one stung.

Professor: Excellent work! You two can take a seat now.

(The two take their seats and the lecture continues. Eventually the class ends and the professor hands Samantha the necessary notes Jack and Christine need to catch up)

Professor: Maybe we'll run into one another again later on today.

Samantha: I'd rather not. I think we're too beaten down from the first time.

Professor: Alright, I guess I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I won't try anything in that meantime, promise.

(And with that the group leaves. Eventually Jack and Christine appear, with Jack lightly clinging to Christine)

Samantha: Is everything all right?

Jack: I think so... I don't really have any family left to go to though...

Samantha: Huh? Christine told me you had other family?

Jack: I only have extended family at this point...

Davis: Oh... They won't take you in?

Christine: They're all too busy. I'm literally all he really has left...

Samantha: I'm... I'm so sorry...

Jack: Hey... I'll try my best to keep strong. Where's Evolt?

Samantha: He's decided he's not going to do anything today. He also wanted to give you two this.

(Samantha hands the notes to Jack and Christine)

Christine: Wait... You're playing around right?

(Samantha, Davis, Connor and Sebastian shake their heads in unison)

Jack: I don't even know what he does now... It's all just too much for me.

(Samantha walks over and Christine lets go of him as Samantha puts a hand on Jack's shoulder)

Samantha: Hey, whatever happens, whatever crazy stunt Evolt tries to pull, just remember, we're here for you. We all are.

Jack: Thanks guys.

(Samantha and Jack share a tender hug, and when the two part, everyone looks to see that the sun has set and the night is just beginning to rise)

Jack: Well, we should all get going, shouldn't we?

Christine: yeah, we should. We'll catch you guys tomorrow and hopefully Evolt doesn't try anything else.

Samantha: We can only hope. I don't know what goes on in that mind of his.

(As the group talks amongst themselves they walk off and the camera pans up)


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