these four walls - richie tozier

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   "Nice game." Richie, my best friend says next to me.
I smile and turn to look at him. We've been best friends for almost 7 years now and nothing of my feelings has changed.
  "I suppose." I say in a British voice. "Do you wanna go another round?"
  "Not really. I'm getting tired. I'm gonna head home, okay?" He says.
  "Wanna ask your mom if you can spend the night at my house?" I ask him.
  "Mind not hogging up the game?" I hear behind me.
"Sorry." Richie says, stepping out the way.
  "So, can you?" I ask him, following him out the arcade.
  He shrugs and grabs his bike while I grab mine that sits next to his. "I mean I can ask. But you know what happened last time. They thought we were making out but we were arguing on who gets to be some character in a game."
  I blush. That moment was interesting. That was 4 months ago.
  "Yeah." I hop on my bike. "We got so embarrassed that we got teased from our parents since last Monday."
  "Sadly we did. But hey, it was fun." Richie smiles, looking far ahead of him.
  I smile at him as he rides his bike next to me. Until I hit a rock on the street and fall off my bike.
  "Hey, you okay?" Richie asks, jumping off his bike. "You fall for me?" He smirks.
  I lean up and look at him like he's psycho.
"I guess I did." I chuckle getting up.
  "I'm kidding. You don't like me like that." He says, picking back up his bike.
  "Who said I didn't?" I ask him, getting back on my bike.
  "You do?" He asks surprised.
I shrug. "Maybe."
   "Wait." He hops off his bike and drops it in the middle of the street.
  He walks up to me and pecks my lips.
I admire the kiss before he leans back. "I do too." He smiles.
  "Can't tell our parents." I wink, riding off.
"Wait for me!" He calls out.

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