my heart will go on - part two

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April 11th, 1912
  Dear Diary, it's the second day on the ship and I find it okay. I'm bothered by having to get married on the fifteenth but as Ponyboy Curtis said, take that opportunity because not all people get it. I'm not sure how to feel. Do I like it? Do I not? I don't feel attracted to Marcus at all. I'm trying to force myself too. I can't. It's way too hard. He's not nice at all.
Dinner tonight was pretty bad too. Marcus kept on repeating everything on the marriage. I just wanna escape it.
Now I'm sitting on a bench on the deck, writing in this.
"What ya writing?" I hear next to me as I write in my diary.
I look over to see Ponyboy.
"Oh, just in my diary. Nothing special." I say, pushing hair behind my ear and sighing.
"How's everything with the marriage?" He asks me.
"I mean I guess it's fine. I'm accepting the beauty of it. And I should be grateful for it, so I'll take it."
"Good choice." He says looking out to the water. "What do you think of my outfit?" He asks me. "New blue shirt."
"It's nice." I say, shutting my diary.
"You look nice too." He says. "Don't cut yourself out there."
"Thanks." I giggle.
He looks down at my hand and notices the ring.
"The ring, huh?" He asks.
I look down to notice it too. "Yeah, he proposed during dinner. I accepted."
"Congrats." He says. "It looks like a nice ring. Must've cost a fortune."
"Wasn't that much, it doesn't look like it."
"Eh, no. It looks like at least..." he picks up my hand to inspect it. "At least four hundred..."
"Jennifer?" I hear.
I look up to see Marcus.
"Who is this?"
"My friend, Pony." I say.
"What a great name." Marcus scoffs. "Come on, you can't hang with him."
"Leave her alone, she can hang with who she wants." Pony says in a sweet way.
"Excuse me?" Marcus says. "Don't tell me what to do."
I sigh. "Marcus, don't yell at him. He's too sweet."
"He's too sweet? He's talking to my wife." Marcus complains.
"She's not even your wife yet." Pony says.
Marcus grabs Pony and pushes him to the ground, holding a blade against his neck.
"Get off of him." I say, trying to pull him off.
"Listen here, buddy. She's mine, not yours. I don't think your the one marrying her, huh?" Marcus says, holding the sharp blade against Pony's neck.
"Okay get off of him." The crew member says.
Marcus gets off and grabs my arm.
"Get off of me." I say, as he pulls me away from Pony.
He ignores me and I look behind to see Pony, looking at me and holding his neck.
I take in a deep breath and walk along with him. I can't escape.

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