boy - ponyboy curtis

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   I climb under the metal fence, looking for people.
I, for some reason, am not from here. I woke up in the damn street. It's weird.
  And all I'm seeing is 60's shit. I'm from 2020, not this time at all.
  I stand up, wiping off my pants. All I gotta do is look for one person. Though I'm at a drive in, I'll find a ton of people.
  I walk around, looking for a place to sit.
Until I find a spot.
I sit down in a spot, looking fully down at my hands.
20 minutes later, I hear a cough next to me.
I look up to see a familiar boy.
He looks over to me, confused on why I'm looking at him.
I notice who he is and look back at the screen.
"Are you okay?" He asks me.
My eyes widen and I nod.
"You look scared." Johnny says next to him.
"Your Ponyboy Curtis." I say. "And Johnny Cade."
"Yeah, do you know us?" Ponyboy asks me.
"Uh yeah." I say, slowly doing the renegade.
"What are you doing?" Johnny asks me.
I can't take it anymore.
I smash my lips onto Ponyboy's.
He holds back, wondering why I'm kissing him but eventually kisses back.
I lean back, sitting back down in my chair.
Pony starts to smile, looking over at me.
   "Like that?"
He nods.
    "I'll do it again then." I smile, lifting up his chin and kissing him again.

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