hands to myself - tyler from dog days

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The loud bell rings, making me jump out of my seat.
Finally. I get up and run out the door, the first one being into the hallway.
School has been tiring lately.
As I walk over to the door, a hand touches my shoulder.
"Hey." I hear my best friend, Leona come up to me.
"Have you done...you know what yet?" She asks, elbowing me.
"No. Unfortunately. I don't think I have the guts too. I mean, he's not all that popular but he's not all that geeky like us."
"Are you calling me a geek? How dare you!" She laughs.
I chuckle. "No, I wasn't. I hope you know what I mean."
"Oh I do, I really do understand. It's just that I'm offended."
   I open the door and walk out, a light breeze hitting my shoulders.
  "My moms here. I got to go, see ya!" Leona smiles, walking off to her moms car.
I take in a huff, breathing in the cool air as I look around for my moms car too until my eyes land on Tyler, my crush. The one that hates me but I like him.
I wanna ask him.
I confidently find myself walking up to him and already touching his shoulder.
His friend and him stop talking.
"I'll see you later dude. You got a freak on you.." his friend says, walking off and waving goodbye.
Wow, okay.
"What do you want?" He asks pissed off. "You made Jeremy walk off."
"I- um..." I say, stuttering.
"What? Speak like a normal human." He says.
I squint my eyes tightly and press my lips onto his.
He drops his books, pulling me closer. And kisses back.
  I lean back. "Do you wanna go to homecoming with me?"
   "Sure." He says.

 Moonlight Imagines •जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें