issues - finn wolfhard

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"Goodnight." I say to Millie from her doorway.
"You too, I'll see you in the morning for practicing our lines." She winks.
I smile back and shut her door for her and walk back to my room.
Basically, I'm an actress and I'm in a show called Stranger Things. I ended up being a character named Rosie who ends up with Mike Wheeler in the fourth season. And we are only two episodes in.
I walk into my room and jump onto my bed, or even daring to shut the door as I'm way too tired.
I lift up the covers and get under, laying my head on the pillow.
I shut my eyes.
"I can't believe your making me do this." I hear Noah say from outside my room.
"Just do it." Caleb says. "A dare is a dare."
"Not really. You see, doing this can lead too..." "shut up Gaten." Caleb says to Gaten.
"Noah, come on dude. Just one time. Get it out of the way." Caleb shrugs.
"I'll do it." I hear Finn mumble angrily, walking into my room.
I hear footsteps getting closer and closer until they stop where I'm sleeping peacefully. Well not really. I'm awake to experience whatever this is.
My face gets lifted up a little bit and I feel pressure on my lips like someone's kissing me.
I try to act like I'm still asleep so he doesn't know I'm awake.
He leans back and walks away out of my room.
I'm shocked. Finn just kissed me. But why?
As soon as he walks out, I end up falling asleep.
I don't wake up in the middle of the night and end up in the morning.
The sun shines into my room which makes me motivated to wake up.
Then, I remember what happened last night. I need to confront Finn.
I stand up and walk out of my room and into the kitchen to see Finn eating cereal and Caleb cooking eggs.
"Morning." Caleb says.
"Morning." I say, sitting across from Finn just looking at him.
His looks up from his cereal and notices me looking at me and I smile.
"Hi there Finn. How was your night?" I ask not so shyly as I usually am in here and on set.
"Good." He says, taking another bite.
I look away outside. "Anything new? I was asleep so I don't know."
"Not really." He says, standing up and putting his bowl in the sink.
He walks out and I stand up, following him into his room.
He turns around and notices me.
"What?" He asks.
I walk right up to him and grab his neck, smashing my lips onto his.
I lean back. "Actually kiss me when I'm awake. Which is kind of what you did last night but actually when I'm cooperative."
"You were up?" He asks shocked.
"Yes. I was Finn." I say. "It's fine though. I kissed you back."

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