power - miles fairchild

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   "Hi." I say, to the maid who opened the door.
"Hello, and you are?" She asks me bitchily.
   "Um, I'm Jenna." I say. "I'm here to see Miles. We have a project due tomorrow and we haven't even started it yet."
   She looks me up and down before sighing. "Fine, Miles!" She calls aloud, walking away.
   I uncomfortably take in a deep breath.
"Hello." I hear from above the stairs. I look up and see Miles.
  "Hi." I say. "Is it alright we work on the project? You know, it's due.."
  "Tomorrow. Yeah, I know." He says smirking and stepping in front of me.
  "You have quite a nice house." I state, looking around.
  "Yeah." He says. "Come on."
I follow him up into his room upstairs. Which is creepily dark and since the house is huge, it's way far in the house. I walk up to the bed and sit down.
    "Did you do anything on it?" Miles asks me, sitting across from me. Looking down at the books and notebooks I brought. Including one folder.
  "Uh, yeah." I say.
I didn't even work on anything. He's just...pretty cute. I can't keep my eyes off of him.
    He flips open a notebook and looks throughout the pages.
   "Hm." He says. "I don't seen any work."
"Yeah, it's uh in the other notebook. Right here." I mumble, grabbing the notebook but instead it all falls on the ground.
  The folder, all the single sheets of paper I brought, all the notebooks. The books that help with the project.
He looks down at it shocked and up at me.
  I look down at the mess I made. "Sorry." I frown.
"I know you want to do something. Just do it." He smirks.
   "What?" I ask. "I just...wanna do the project."
"Do I have to do it myself?" He asks.
   "Can you please explain?" I ask him.
    He smirks, pointing at his lips.
Can he read minds? Or he can just tell what I want?
I shake my head. "Let's just work."
"Sure then." He says, picking up all the work off the ground.
I help him set everything back up and we end up starting to work.
Yes, I did glance at him a couple times during it. I can't help it. He has such adorable curly hair and those sweaters...
I look back at him as he's writing on the paper.
I want to have my first kiss with him. I actually can't hold back.
I lean up and bring up his chin with my finger and lean my forehead on his.
I press my lips onto his lips to which he kisses me back.
I lean back, sitting back down.
He sits there shocked, biting his bottom lip.
"Knew it." He says.
I smile, grabbing the pencil to start working again.

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