my heart will go on - part four

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April 13th, 1912

I went out to see Pony on the deck once again, not realizing how much trouble it'd cause. Marcus came out and got upset, ending me to run away. Finally, I told Pony to meet me on the desk by sunset before Marcus dragged me away. Now I get to see him and see him in the sunset colors.
I have to watch out. Of course my parents figured out I was sneaking out to some other boy instead of Marcus and got mad. So, now Marcus is sleeping in my room tonight. Which isn't all that great of an idea. To me anyways.
"Listen, I don't want to stay here. Can I please go out into the restaurant and grab a bowl of soup?" I beg Marcus as he lays on the bed next to me.
He looks over at me and rolls his eyes. "You won't stop, will you?"
I shake my head.
"Fine, go on. Money is on the table next to the door. Just grab a bowl of whatever soup and come back, I'm not coming out and looking for you. Your parents trust me."
"I won't, I promise." I stand up, grabbing the money.
I open the door and look back behind me at him once again before shutting it and running back onto the deck.
As soon as I make it to the ground, I look around still holding on the railing.
I notice Pony leaning against the railing.
I smirk, walking up to behind him and grabbing his shoulders.
He jumps turning around. "Woah. You scared me."
"I know, your not hard to scare." I say. "Easy for me."
"That's amazing to hear. Gonna happen more often on the trip?" He asks.
"Well, I don't know if I'll see you the rest of the trip after I get married." I shake my head, leaning against the railing next to him. "Marcus is obsessed."
"Obsessed with what?" He asks me.
"Controlling me." I say, turning to look at him. "I don't need to be watched over every second. He thinks I'm going to get a bowl of soup with this money." I hold up the handful of coins I took off the table.
"That's a lot." He says.
"I'm not gonna use it." I say. "I wanna give it to you."
"Really?" He asks. "You don't how much that means to me."
"I know it means a lot." I say. "Here."
He opens his hands and I give him the coins and shut his hand.
"There, now you have enough money for food."
He looks up at me, grabbing my face and pressing his lips onto mine.
His puts the money in his back pocket while our lips stay connected.
He leans back, still holding my face. "Wanna go watch the sunset?"
"You bet I do."

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