my heart will go on - part three

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April 12th, 1912

     Dear Diary, I can't get my mind off Ponyboy for some reason. He's been stuck there for some time now, and won't leave. I think he's engraved in my heart. The way his hazel eyes sparkles, something I cannot forget.
  I'm laying in bed right now, writing in this. I would go visit him, but my parents told me to stay here. Until Marcus comes to see me.
  I'm not listening. I'm going to see him.
  I get up off the bed and walk over to my shoes, sliding on my mini heels.
   I take in a deep breath and walk towards the door.
I unlock it and open it, peeking my head out the door and running down to the stairs, holding up my dress.
  I run to the stairs, not inside but outside. The ones that lead to the deck.
  I make it and see Ponyboy sitting on the bench.
But his hair is blond.
   "Hello." I say, setting my dress down.
"Hey, didn't expect to see you there." Pony smiles. "Sorry about yesterday, I really am."
    "I understand." Pony says. "You have a strict boyfriend."
   "I don't really wanna be with him you know? I think I kinda lost my interest." I shrug, setting my chin on my hand.
  "Really?" Pony asks his face lighting up. "I mean, oh that's upsetting."
"You got happy about that, what's so funny?" I ask, getting suspicious.
  "Nothing." He chuckles. "Really."
"I believe you."
   "You should." He says. "Why are you out here? Shouldn't you be with Mark or something?"
  "It's Marcus and yes. I should be up in my room waiting for him but I'm not."
  "Why not?" He asks me.
I look down my dress. "I just don't feel like it. After what he did yesterday to you, I'm not into him anymore." I sigh. "I don't even think I was into him in the first place."
   "Why not?" He asks. "Your marrying him, Jennifer. You should."
  "You've been on my mind. I want you out of it." I say.
"What do you mean by I'm in your mind?" He asks me.
I stand up until he stands up with me.
"I'll tell you tomorrow." I say.
"No, can you tell me now? I need to know what you mean by..."
I interrupt him by placing my lips onto his.
He kisses back, obviously shocked.
I lean back.
"Now I think I know." He says.
"You do." I smile, walking away into my room.
He may be lower class and I may be higher class, but feelings last in one spot.

 Moonlight Imagines •Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora