no more sad songs - boris

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"Jenna." Summer asks for me.
"What?" I ask, looking up from my Pepsi.
"Turn around." She smirks, drinking her lemonade.
I turn around shyly to see a boy my age staring at me across the diner.
I get confused, turning around. "What is he staring at me for?"
"You are pretty so I mean..." she shrugs.
"No you." I giggle.
"No you."
"I said no you." I say in a deep voice.
"Excuse me?" I hear next to me standing next to my table.
  I turn to find a boy that has blond hair, that was sitting with the boy staring at me.
  "Yeah?" Summer asks for me.
"My friend over there wants to know if she can meet him in the bathrooms." He says. "Nothing bad, he just has to ask you something."
  "Are you sure? Why can't he just ask over here?" I ask confused. "It's not like anyone will here. The music is blasting and no ones here this late at night."
  "Did he drink at all?" Summer asks the boy. "And what's your name?"
  "Theo and his names Boris. And maybe he had one drink but that's no problem." He says. "Just can you do that so he can stop bothering me about it, I just wanna eat my omelet."
  "For sure." I say, standing up. "Excuse me."
"Oh sorry." He says, moving out my way.
   I walk over to the table and sit across from Boris.
"You can ask me right here. What do you want?"
  "Damn." He says. "I was just wanna ask what school you go to?"
"Harlville high school."
"I go to Deenwood."
"Oh. Can I go back now?"
"I wanna get to know you though." He says with a strong accent.
"What do you want? My number?" I ask.
"No." He says.
"Fine, then this?" I ask, kissing him from across the table.
"Didn't need that but okay. I kinda think I needed that now." He chuckles.

 Moonlight Imagines •जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें