cool kids - robert

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I lean back in my desk at class, sighing as the teacher goes on and on about random stuff.
"And does anyone have number the answer to number five? Anyone?" Miss. Toby asks the class, looking for an answer.
  "I'm sure miss. Smarty pants over there has the answer." I hear behind me.
  Robert sits there smirking, looking at me.
"Do you?" Miss. Toby asks me, raising an eyebrow.
We love being put on the spot.
   "Uh no ma'am. I don't. I-I'm sure..." "she stutters too. No surprise." Robert blurts out.
  The class starts to laugh.
"Guess not. Anyone else?" Miss. Toby asks the class.
After class was over, the bell rang.
   Indicating class was over and we can go home.
I stand up to the sound of the loud bell and start gathering my stuff onto my desk.
"Hey, I heard the funeral home down the street wants you. They said your good material for a funeral." Robert smirks, walking up to my table.
  I look over at him and start getting hurt.
I fling my backpack over my shoulders.
"I don't wanna deal with this right now." I mumble, grabbing my books.
  "Do I look like I care?" He asks, smacking the desk. "Do I?" He asks getting angrier.
   I gulp, looking in his eyes. "No."
Why am I not talking back when I should be to him?
   Because I've liked him for years and if I do, I'd have no chance with him. Like I do now anyway.
   "You don't want too." He says.
     When the school started to get attacked by random people that I heard was dangerous, I went with people I don't know in a car.
   "You okay?" A boy that I've been talking to on the car ride asks me as I get out the car.
  "Yeah." I say, stepping onto the gravel.
I look at the cabin. A small cabin. We're in the middle of the dark woods. And it's nighttime.
   So I really can't see anything except the light from the inside of the house shining through the windows.
  "Come on." The older guy says.
The other three of us follow him into the cabin. Where we are supposedly meeting the other three people.
  I walk in shyly behind the boy I know the most and look around.
  It's bigger then I thought.
"The others are in there cabin rooms. The lady can take the one on the left down the hall."
    "Okay, thanks." I say.
"Also, if you wanna change. He brought clothes. You can borrow something of his if you want." The other one that drove me here says.
  I nod and start walking to the room to see the light off. Probably wanted to go to bed early.
  Tired, I open the door and shut it silently.
I need clothes, I can't wear these. Unfortunately I'm gonna have to ask him.
   I take in a deep breath and walk over to the only bed where the boy I'm sharing the room with is in, laying away and facing the wall.
  I sit down on the end up of the bed and look over at the boy not facing me but still facing the wall.
  "Um, I don't know what your name is but.... is it alright if I borrow some of your clothes?" I ask him.
  All I'm staring into is darkness. There's not one shed of light.
  He doesn't respond of course.
I turn over and sit on my knees, facing him so I can wake him up.
  I put my hand on his shoulder, shaking it a little.
"Hm?" He asks stretching.
He turns to me and then I notice who it is.
"Oh god." I mumble.
He opens his eyes and notices me.
"Jenna?" He asks, getting happy for some reason.
I move back off the bed. "No, no. I'm changing rooms."
"No, hey. wait." He says getting off the bed.
"No Robert." I say. "I don't need to deal with you now."
"I'm sorry about all I did okay." He says. "If you hate me that much, you can smack me."
I look over at the bed and grab his head, sliding it onto his head.
He gets confused as to what I'm doing.
I place both of my hands on his cheeks and connect our lips.
  I let go, sitting back on the bed.
"You didn't smack me, you kissed me." He says. "Why?"
   "I guess it's one of those cliche stories. Girl falls for bully." I shrug.
  "Funny thing is I didn't bully you to bully you. I bullied you cause I liked you." He says, sitting next to me.
I look over at him and back down at his lips.
Yep, I'm kissing him again.

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