turn your face - boris

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I run up to Boris's window and knock.
I can't look in his window because he has his blinds down.
We were supposed to work on a project together and we hate each other. It's hard to work with him enough.
"What?" Boris asks, lifting up his curtain.
"Did you finish the project?" I ask him.
"No." He says. "I'm busy. Now can you go?"
"Scoot back." I say.
"Why?" He asks.
"So I can jump in! Duh!" I say.
"Your not coming in. Do I have to ask you to leave again?" He asks me.
   "Should I go through your front door? Would your mom like that, huh?" I ask him in a bitchy way.
   "Seriously?" He groans, looking over me and behind me to see no one. "Fine, I'll help you in."
   "That's my boy." I chuckle.
"I'm nothing to you." He says, holding out his hands. I grab them and he lifts me up into his room. Eventually me falling on top of him.
  "Oops." I say, standing back up.
I walk over to the window and slam it shut.
   "My moms not even home. Your lucky I let you in." He says, grabbing a bottle on his nightstand and sitting down on the end of his bed. He leans back taking a sip of the alcohol.
  "Boris, how many times do I have to tell you to stop..." my eyes land on a bag full of white stuff on the side table. "Really?"
  "Yep." He says. "Why should it matter to you? You hate me. I hate you. It's just how it goes?"
  "Sometimes people hate people for a reason. I have a valid reason and I'm sure you do too. My reason shouldn't be a reason though." I say.
  "And why is that?" He asks, chugging again.
I grab the bottle of liquor out of his hand and put it on the bedside.
  "Stop." I say.
"You can't just take that away from me. You didn't buy it, I did." He says.
   "Is that stupid drink more important then schoolwork?" I ask him.
  "To me, yes. It is." He says.
"What do I have to do to get you to stop?" I ask him.
   "Kiss me." He says in a serious tone.
I look at him like he's crazy.
"You want me to kiss you." I ask, pointing to him.
"Yep." He says, leaning back, his elbows holding him up.
"Like a small kiss? Cause I'll do that." I ask him. "If that's what will stop you from doing all that shit."
  "Nope. The thing that will make me stop is if we kiss. More then just a small kiss." He says.
I sigh. "Boris, honestly, do whatever. I'm going home." I open back up the window.
  "No." He says.
He leans me up against the window, his face inches away from mine.
   I gulp looking in his eyes and his eyes scan to my lips.
  He slowly leans in and connects our lips.
I bring my hands up from the window sill and up to his face.
He lets go. "Will you stop now?" I ask him.
He nods. "Yep."
"Remember Boris, I love you."

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