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I want a camera.

Not some cheap, tourist shit either. But a real camera. I have this strange urge to carry around a fancy camera and take pictures of any and everything. I want to meet random people and capture them forever, so no one is forgotten. I want to take pictures of sunsets and storms and flowers and animals and lights in cities. I want to remember everything serene through the eye of a camera.


We capture our finest memories on film. It's the little things and finding small bits of happiness that keeps us going. How would we know what happiness felt like without having pain to compare it to? Those little infinities are what gives us hope that there is still good in the world. There's a ton of cliché sayings that basically say the same thing: grief and joy go hand in hand; wait for the sunshine after the storm--it has to come eventually. For anyone having a hard life: look for the little joys in your life. When everything is falling apart, it's not too hard to find innocent happiness in the carefree adorableness of a child. Or the simple serenity in a flower.


A memory
can bring a smile
or haunt and destroy

A memory
brings laughter
or tears.

A memory
can be trapped
vividly in our minds
or fade away.

A bad memory
sticks with
longer and harsher
than any ray of sunshine.

But little infinities
carry us on
like a feather
floating in the wind.

Capture life's
smiles and laughs
in a photograph.

Keep it close
and safe in your heart.

Look back
to the perfect recollection
of joy
and vividly remember
how it feels to smile.

Do it again
for old time's sake.

Capture life's
little infinities
in a photograph.

whatever is needed to be saidМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя