Silence is Golden, Duct Tape is Silver

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Silence is Golden, Duct Tape is Silver

Silence can be deafeningly loud

Screaming thoughts of the un proud

Monsters in the mind

Never really have been kind

Scream & Shout & Mask the doubt

Never to be heard. Silence

Horrifying whispers in the dark

Cutting deep scars as their mark

Devils in the brain

Driving the sane, insane

Scream & Shout & Mask the doubt

Never to be heard. Silence

Isolation can drive a man mad

Left to their thoughts can be bad

Creepers lurk in thoughts

Occupying empty spots

Scream & Shout & Mask the doubt

Never to be heard. Silence

Silence ringing through my head

Now I'm numb, as if I'm dead

whatever is needed to be saidKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat