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will never be reached no matter how hard you try.

But that is only because perfection is defined.

Perfection (noun): the condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects.

Flaw (noun): a mark, fault, or other imperfection that mars a substance or object.

Mar (verb): impair the appearance of; disfigure.

Imperfection (noun): a fault, blemish, or undesirable feature.

Undesirable (adjective): not wanted or desirable because harmful, objectionable, or unpleasant.

I hope you follow the line of definitions and realize that perfection is all based on conception. Nothing fact-based can be graded by perfection because it is all circumstantial. "Perfection" is an opinion. An opinion that society has graved into our minds so forcibly that everyday people starve themselves. Everyday people cut their skin as if it were paper. Everyday people don't think they're enough. Everyday people contemplate suicide. Everyday lives are torn apart by words.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will scar me forever.

Someone started this outlook on perfection, making all of us believe we are not good enough. But what if I told you, you simply are. Someone started the downgrading movement we are undergoing, and I challenge it. I want to start a counter-movement. It's easy.

Perfection is based on a definition that travels back to desire and want. We want to be perfect. What if you changed your view on perfection.

I officially define perfection...
as originality
as flaws
as scars
as having a little fat on your body
as a true smile
as the courage to be yourself
as kindness
as a helping hand
as you.

I challenge you to change the definition of perfection for yourself. Look in the mirror and love what you see because someone does. I do. I believe in you.

•Make a message for yourself: on every mirror you use, put one very-visible post-it note saying one positive thing about yourself, whether you believe it at the moment or not.
•Make the effort to tell at least one person you don't normally converse with a genuine compliment everyday.
•Make amends. Hate causes you more inconvenience than the person you hate. The moment you realize this, the happier you will be. It's hard to explain, especially to hate-filled people, but trust me. Find one person you can't stand and ask yourself why? If you have a list of reasons, justify why they are false or stop holding a grudge. If you are in a fight with someone, compliment them. If you don't feel like you need to apologize simply "agree to disagree"
•Smile at a stranger, it just might brighten their day.
•Cover something public with positive post-it notes. (Public/school bathroom, lockers, one on every car in a parking lot, windows, dressing room stalls or mirrors!)
•Spread this message for the movement! Either share this post, or summarize it.

Final Challenge: send me pictures, videos, descriptions, anything! of you participating. Let's make this real.

Because the thing is it doesn't matter what the truth is, if we--as humans--hear something over and over we start to believe it. Someone gets bullied, they believe all the insults eventually. Someone can only be so strong. If people--including you--hear or see positive things over and over, then eventually you'll start to believe it.

Project I Define Perfection.

You are beautiful and I hope you never forget.

whatever is needed to be saidWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt