My Daughter Will Be Beautiful

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My daughter will be beautiful

Not skinny

Not curvy

Not with big eyes

And a sultry smile

But beautiful

With a kind heart

And a helping hand

And a happiness 

That will make her soul glow

Wealth is not measured

In money and material things

But rather in the lives you touch

Just like beauty

Is not measured by

The smile you wear

But rather the smiles you cause

And my daughter will never

Wear makeup to enhance her beauty

But rather to boost her confidence

And she will wear her confidence and self-respect

Like an accessory

That adds to her outfit

Of a kind heart,

Helping hand,

And happily glowing soul

And my daughter will look beautiful

Every single day

And I will remind her

That she is beautiful

On higher standards 

Any media could ever hold

Every single day

And hopefully when I pass

My job will be passed to you

You will see her beauty

And remind her of it too

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