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When I was four,

I fell off a slide

When I was seven,

I fell out of a tree

When I was nine,

I fell off my bike

When I was ten,

I fell down the stairs

You laugh and smile

and subconsciously fix your hair

saying "You have a problem with falling"

That couldn't be more true

For when I was sixteen,

I fell in love with you

I don't expect

to have the feelings returned

or to no longer

force a smile

in your presence

A bump on the head,

Broken bone,

Scraped knee,

Sprained ankle

Is nothing compared

to the pain

of a broken heart

I know I should hate

when you cry

But I love getting to hold you

those nights

I know in the morning

you won't remember

what I said

But I hope one day

you'll get it through

your head

That I have a problem with falling

and Baby I'm falling for you

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