
5 0 0

my heart beats faster, faster

under the pale flesh of my chest

[i wear my band t-shirt as armor]

[i am utterly aware of the fact

that i have not washed my hair

in three days]

i am loud, sassy, confident

what's my name again?

how do i breathe?


five letters, one syllable


to behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone

do i know how to flirt?

is that nature or nurture?


don't walk past me


[i'm sorry, i mean: ]

awkward smile, slight head nod, and a subtle lift of the left hand

left hand--non-dominate hand, the hand furthest

from his passing body

as to look casual

he disappears into his classroom

and i must return to mine

i wipe my hands on my black jeans

[black--the comfort zone]

my heart still beats faster, faster

and i have yet to try and flirt

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