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sometimes i wonder what it would be like to fly. to just be able to lift my feet off the ground for a second and move through the air. i want to travel and live and see the world and live an adventure. i don't just want to sit at home forever and create the stories in my head. i want to live to most entertaining story of them all. but the problem is my life couldn't be more boring. wake, eat, school, sleep, homework, read, write, with a little marching band fun. i've never gone out and had fun. i've never gotten in trouble. i've never felt adrenaline rush through my veins. i've never experience euphoria. i don't think i can remember time when i was particularly happy. i just go through the motions of life. i just...exist, not truly live. i want to know what it's like to run down the streets with the cold evening air nipping at my ears whilst i scream and cheer with my friends. i want to be more of an extrovert because that's supposed to be my personality. but just because i'm comfortable in a social situation doesn't mean i ever preferred it before or have ever experienced the fun of a night out. i wanna start living my life before i give up on anything being worth living for.

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