Breaking Point

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It's like the whole world hates me sometimes. I can't do anything properly. Even if I try to ask questions to do things right, all I hear are more and more yells. How am I supposed to clean a table with something I've never heard of if I'm not given the stuff or a rag? How am I supposed to live in this life when all I get for walking downstairs on a holiday is a headache. How am I supposed to love myself when all I'm ever told or shown is how much I fail. Who cares if I earned my black belt after 6 years? I'm still fat. Who cares that I try to help others as much as possible? I don't ever help out around the house apparently. Who cares if I try to welcome others and love everyone? I'm still a rude bitch.

Who cares if I try to filter myself when I become a bother, even though changing for others goes against everything I believe in? I do it anyway. I try and change who I am so one person can be happy, so my friend doesn't have to choose between me and her boyfriend. But that doesn't count for anything.

No good I do ever does.

So why do I still try? If it's not gonna change anything and all I will ever be are the bad things, why do I still try to be my best and do good?

When you have an answer, please enlighten me.

I have no idea why I put up with all this shit, it tears me apart on the inside and no one notices or cares. I'm just the screw up everyone's forces to deal with. I'm just life's biggest burden (pun intended). There's no way I'll make it to my designated finish line. One day, I will finally decide to give up on something. One day I'm going to quit, and it's going to be huge.

I have to do something right eventually.

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