The City of Dreams

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The City of Dreams

Where everything is bright

And the stars are always shining at night

Where flowers bloom

The sun shines

And everything is lusciously green

There's a point on a grassy hill

Where the whole world can be seen

There's a forest full of trees

A beach with the clearest ocean

Where the birds sing in harmony

Their melodic tune

The perfect world for me and you

Where silence isn't awkward

'Cause we listen to the breeze

Laying in the freshly cut grass

Looking up to the clouds

To see what we can see

And maybe it'll rain

But that's okay too

'Cause this is the City of Dreams

And I am here with you

Our laughter will fill the air

As raindrops drench our hair

Everything will be alright in

The City of Dreams

We'll hike up the hill

Find the perfect spot

Our legs stretched out in front of us

Our hands inches apart in the soft grass

Our minds don't need to go

To a far away land

We're already here

Where everything is better than planned

We'll look down on the world below

Over everything we've ever known

No more tears or fears

Just the raindrops that roll down our skin

No more battles to try and win

Peace and silence and a melodic tune

No more worries

Just me and you

Lost in the City of Dreams

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