A Poem Not Formatted Like A Poem

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Sometimes...sometimes we're so caught up in the now and the pain that we forget. We forget that things won't always be this way. You just have to be willing to notice the change.
Notice how, over time, your hair grows longer, some people get taller, some gain weight, some lose weight, some people change their style or what type of music they like, they change their mind and their opinions. You go through break ups and make ups and...make outs. You learn more and move forward. You change schools and move houses and have a change of scenery. Sometimes you bomb a test, and other times you ace it. You lose friends and you gain friends. The only thing that is constant in our lives is change.
That's scary.
That sounds scary as hell, but it's actually quite comforting. To think, when you're so caught up in the pain and hurt, the only thing you can count on is that things will change. Things won't always be that way. Life moves on, you grow older, and time won't stop for anyone.
Change is scary, but when you're in a bad place, you can  find comfort in the fact that things won't stay that way. The only thing constant in our lives is...change.
And I count on that.

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