Meeting Mr. Ivanov (1) 🌶🌶🌶

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🌶= slightly mature contact
🌶🌶= mature contact
🌶🌶🌶= extremely mature contact
If I'll add -◼ it means it also contains BDSM.

Alexa's p.o.v (18 year's old)

"Alexa, come here for a sec"
I heard my father call me from down stairs.

I said as I walked down the wooden stairs.

"Good morning dad, good morning mom"
I said as I hugged both of my amazing parents.

"Good morning, are you ready for your final day of high school?"
My mom, Elizabeth asked as she took another sip from her coffee.

"I think so?"
I half said half questioned.

"I'm sure it will be fine!"
My dad said with a smile, I smiled back to him.

"Well, I need to get dressed"
I said as I hugged them both and went back upstairs to my room.

I opened my closet and chose a casual outfit.

After I got dressed,  I brushed my long brown hair, and applied mascara on my already long eyelashes.

I put some light eyeshadow that complements my big light brown eyes. I put some chapstick because my lips are kind of  dry because of the cold weather.

I put some clear lip gloss who adds shine to my natural pink lips.

I take my white backpack and head to school, my dad of course takes me.
I go into my dad's black B.M.W and put my seatbelt on.

"So Alexa, I just wanted to tell you that my boss is coming over for dinner  with his son. please come before 7 clock."
My dad says.

"No problem"
I assured.

"And Alexa please be extremely nice to my bosses son, you know the rumors about him. Believe me the rumors are true!"
I looked at my father and sighed.

" it's okay  dad, I know the rumors that say thathe's the ugliest person they have ever seen, or even that rumor that says that he has a 'beast' you can count on me that I'll be polite and not rude, just like you and mom raised me"
I assure making my father smile.

"Yes, well ge has very rare looks just make sure not to make eye contact for him for too long, he hates it"

(In school)

"Hello, hottie, ya know I was feeling a little off today. But when you came along, you definitely turned me on"

I turned around and saw the one and only, Credit Cash. Not joking,  that's his actual name.

Credit is the most popular guy at school but if you ask me also the biggest jerk. He literally flirts with every one who has a pussy.

He's trying to ask me out for years but he's just not my type.

He's hot and all but, he's so childish...
I need a real man.

Demetri's p.o.v: (30 years old)

I can't believe that I actually agreed to go to this dinner.

You see, Leo Smith(Alexa's Dad) is one of the only people my father trusts in this company. He is the only one in the company that doesn't hate me or my dad. The last time I went to a dinner in his house was like maybe 7 years ago.

He asked me and my dad a lot since then and I always decline but I decided  I shouldn't be rude to him so I finally agreed.

Alexa's p.o.v
-Alexa's house before dinner-

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