Where is Kiibo?

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Junko slowly approached the robot. Kiibo was scared. Why us? Why them?

"I'm feeling nice today! If you come with me I'll consider not killing you." She smiled. Kiibo glanced at Kokichi then looked back at Junko.

"You're crazy." Kiibo sighed. "I'll go."

Junko clapped and smiled. "Awe! I knew you'd come around." She hugged Kiibo and began to drag him off. 

Kokichi snapped awake, he was outside. Where was Kiibo? Kokichi was confused and lost. He noticed blood on his hands and freaked out. He looked over at a barely alive Hajime. Kokichi called out for the robot, but nothing came. Kokichi attempted to put Hajime on his back. He started to drag him back to the house. The tiny boy open the door and frantically ran around, where was Komeada? He was feeling sorry. Why did he blame them? Now Kokichi understood what they were trying to protect him from. 

"K..Kokichi?" Hajime croaked out, reaching out for him.

Kokichi came up to Hajime and hugged him. "Hang in there, dad. Don't leave me." He felt like he was going to cry. No. He can't! That would be weak of him.

Hajime smiled up at Kokichi. "I'm not going anywhere."

Kokichi looked over and spotted a first-aid kit, he snatched it. The boy started to treat Hajime. He'll help Hajime, then find Kiibo. Find. Kiibo. Where is.. Kiibo? Kokichi felt a knot begin to twist in his stomach, why was he so... lost? Without that darn robot!? As soon as this is all over Kiiboy owes him. A flutter of hope filled Kokichi. When this is over. This will end. Kiibo is ok. He has to be.

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