They'll never find us... will they?

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Kokichi led Kiibo to their little hide out. They built it over the school year, none of their friends or "parents" knew about it. It was made out sticks and random stuff Kokichi managed to steal. So many good memories, so many good times. Where was all that now? Now the two were on the run, no money, and little shelter. All they had was a stack of comic books, like that was going to help. 

Kokichi heavily sighed, "Alright Kiibs. I have a plan. We change our names-"

The robot interrupted Kokichi, "You seriously aren't thinking about that! We should just go back."

"I'd appreciate if you'd let me FINISH. Jeez robots are talkative." Kokichi rolled his eyes and sat down on the ground. Which was actually made of sticks too. It was almost like a treehouse, but on the ground, and made completely out of sticks and rope. "We change our names, fake an ultimate talent, and become one of the remnants of despair. Easy." Kokichi smirked, feeling proud of himself.

"But... why would we do that!?" Kiibo complained, he was surprised Kokichi even dared to think of such things. 

"WELL Kiiboy. Let's hear what you have! Because at least I'm trying to come up with something." Kokichi said harshly.

"Well at least I'm not trying to join Junko! May I remind you she nearly killed me," Kiibo said returning Kokichi's harshness. 

"You are such a useless robot! Can't you see what's happening?! We need to take sides, and currently the side we WERE on was compressed of liars and no trust what's so ever. Kiibo. Listen to me." Kokichi snapped, all the emotions he'd tried to bottle up pouring out. 

"Liars huh. You're one to talk Kokichi! All you do is lie and block all your emotions out. Can't you see we're your friends? Kokichi we care for you. Open your eyes!" Kiibo growled, every word fueled with anger and sadness. The robot tried his hardest not to cry at that moment. What was he saying? Was sorry even acceptable now?

"..." Kokichi sat there in silence, usually he'd just spit out a lie or come up with an excuse. This really did stump him. Kiibo stopped trying to hold his tears in. Water spilled from his eyes, not showing a sign to stop. 

"Kokichi... It's ok to have emotions! You don't need to feel like everyone is out to get you!" Kiibo pleaded, dropping the feelings of anger he felt before. All the robot wanted was Kokichi to see the truth in his words. "Kokichi I love you, do you know that!?" The words poured out of the robot's mouth. They may have declared their love for eachother with that kiss in the closet, but this time Kiibo put his heart and soul into his words. Just at that moment a familiar laugh came from outside. Kokichi shot up, once again putting up his facade. 

"So much despair!~ It makes my heart wanna cum," Junko sighed in satisfaction. She smiled widely and evilly. "And what makes it even more despair inducing is that no one can save you now!" 

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