Are we really saved?

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As the blonde, pigtail, women walked toward the group Kiibo felt himself trembling. The robot looked at his scared friends, each all having their own ways reacting to the situation. He then glanced at Kokichi, Kiibo felt his heart drop. Kokichi seemed as if he was about to lunge at the women. Kiibo gave a silent plea that the tiny boy wouldn't, but of course he did. 

(I didn't really wanna finish it, sorry ;-;)

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(I didn't really wanna finish it, sorry ;-;)

Kiibo watched in horror as Kokichi began to attempt to punch the women. She quickly moved to the side and the purple haired boy went crashing to the ground. Kiibo began to rush towards the two. The women grabs Kiibo from behind and puts a knife to his neck.

"Kiibo!" The four in the background yelled. Kiibo relaxed, he was a robot and it would ne- Just at that moment Junko plunged the knife into his chest cutting some of his wires. Kiibo screeches, dropping to the ground.

"Kiibs!" Kokichi wailed rushing over to Kiibo. "Kiibo can you hear me?!"

"Wait... Kiibo.. is a!" Kiibo could hear Shuichi faintly gasp out, then Kiibo got distracted by the Purple haired boy holding him. 

Everything went fogy. Kiibo felt his mind start to dull, he reached a hand out to Kokichi and put a strand of hair back behind his ear. He hated seeing Kokichi so sad. Kiibo blinked a few times trying his hardest to stay awake. If this women struck some vital wires he might aswell be as good as dead. No. Kiibo isn't ready to die. Suddenly the door bursts open. Kokichi whips his head towards the noise and gasps. Kiibo attempts to look over and sees a faint blurry figure at the door, they seemed oddly familiar to him. An overwelming darkness overtook Kiibo and he found himself giving in. 

Kiibo woke up with a start. He quickly scanned his surroundings, he was in Kokichi's house? He attempted to get up but quickly realized something was holding onto him, he looked down and spotted the purple gremlin, Kokichi. Kiibo gave a flustered sigh and closed his eyes. He felt all funny inside, That women must've hit a important wire afterall. Kiibo's face got red, wait... they were all repaired?! Kiibo's systems told him so anyway. Kiibo found himself staring at the sleeping Kokichi for majority of the night, before ACTUALLY going to sleep himself. 

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