Stop it

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Kiibo jumped, the lady that stood before him wore a tight and sinister smile. The smile seemed to spread from ear to ear. Despite Kiibo being a robot he felt a sort of chill go up his back, where a spine would be on a human. Kokichi leaped up, quickly darting in between Kiibo and her. Though, Kiibo would've been more capable to fight in this situation. But of course Kokichi would never admit that to anyone. 

A giggle slipped out of Junko's mouth, "Awwe!" She ran her fingers through the tiny boy's hair. A feeling of.. dread? No. Jealousy maybe? Ran through Kiibo's systems. He stood up hastily.

"What a...are you doing here?" Kiibo stuttered out, fear painfully showing in his voice.

The women slowly slipped her fingers out of Kokichi's hair, but the instantly grabbed him. She hugged him from behind. Petting him like.. like some sort of animal! Kiibo narrowed his eyes at Junko, then looked at Kokichi. He seemed different... like in a sort of daze or trance. His eyes were open, his sparkling and adorab-not the time right now Kiibo!- Kokichi's eyes weren't the normal darkish purple, they seemed more magenta?   

"Now Kiibo..." Junko said, her smile wider than before. Then before she could say anything else Hajime appeared. He ripped Kokichi out of Junko's arms. Kiibo rushed to his boyfreind's side. Repeating the word boyfriend in his head, blush spreading on his pale face. Kokichi wasn't normal. He was limp in Kiibo's arms, but he still had a pulse and was breathing fine. He seemed to stare off into nothing. 

"Hajime..." Kiibo worriedly whimpered out, too nervous to actually say it. The robot glanced up and screamed. If he could puke right now he would. There was nothing in this universe that would be able to take back what he just saw.


Yes, I will be continuing this story. BUT I am going to start a new one, one that I am more motivated to write. YES it will involve Kiibouma because I am obsessed. Sorry for those who actually liked this story! I promise this new one will be much much more investing 

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