Why did they do this?

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Kiibo and Ouma sat on the ground, going through piles upon piles of papers. Ouma sipped on one of his favorite sugary drinks, grape fanta. As long as it keeps him up Kiibo was fine with it. At that moment Ouma almost spat out his drink, Kiibo jumped up.

"Did you find something?!" Kiibo asked hopefully.

"Y..yeah!" Ouma pauses and lifts up the paper, "It's the documents to erasing our memories." Kiibo peered over Kokichi's shoulder and read what was on the paper. He gasped.

"... They really did take away our memories... of a killing game... We must be ultimates. That in itself isn't a bad thing! I hope I'll be the ultimate cook, I've always loved cooking." Kiibo said happily.

"... we.. we were in a killing game Kiibo! Do I need to spell it out for you? ' Erasing the group's memories of the 53rd killing game'. Kiibo don't you know what this means?" Ouma said, shocked that Kiibo, the most mature out of the two, didn't realize what this meant. Kiibo nervously looked at the ground. "Not too long ago the tragedy happened. What if our parents are some of the remnats of despair? They might be plotting to drive all of us into despair!" Both of the two gasped at Ouma's sudden theory.

"We need to tell the others quickly!" Kiibo said right after. Ouma nodded and grabbed the phone. As soon as Ouma got off the phone Kiibo sighed.

"Well... what did they say?" Kiibo asked nervously.

"They'll be over in a few hours... probably by noon."

"I really hope this is all just some wacky nightmare," Kiibo complained, slumping into the couch.

"Me too Kiiboy... me too.." Ouma sighed in reply.

"... what are we gonna do till' then?" kiibo asked trying to change the subject

Ouma smirked, "Let's watch a movie! I know a few good ones that you tootallyyy need to watch kiibs." Kiibo smiled back, knowing that soon it'll all be settled. Something was off about Ouma's smile... but Kiibo decided to ignore it. Ouma got off the ground and sat next to Kiibo on the couch, the robot blushing intensely. Kiibo made an attempt to hide it by covering himself with a blanket, Ouma took notice and decided to mess with him. "Kiiboy~ I'm cold too you know!"

"G..go get another blanket Ouma!" Kiibo stuttered out.

"Aw... but I'd much rather use this one. It's nice and warm!"

Kiibo felt something wrap around his body, It was Ouma. This made him blush harder. Jeez what was his problem? Ouma wrapped the blanket around the two of them and got comfortable. He switched on the T.V. Kiibo barely even paid attention to the T.V with the little rat so close to him.

"Hey Kiibs?" Ouma looked up at the flustered robot.

"Y..yes?" He tilted his head.

"You know you can call me Kokichi, right?" O- Kokichi said, smiling.

"O...k Kokichi..." Kiibo said, the words falling out of his mouth. Kokichi then yawned and leaned his hand on Kiibo's shoulder. They both fell asleep on the couch. 

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