You have to charge?

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The Pov will be third person limited, BUT FOLLOWING KOKICHI. Instead of Kiibo. Just for this episode. Enjoy!~


Kokichi and Kiibo both got up to leave the closet. Kokichi was giddy inside. This new feeling was amazing! It felt like the rain of uncertainty and loneliness,  that had always followed Kokichi, was gone. The sun had finally risen on his dark and gloomy life. Kokichi snapped back into reality, and whipped his head to face Kiibo.

"Hey Kiibs," Kokichi quickly asked before Kiibo could open the door.

"Y..yeah Kokichi?" The robot nervously replied.

"Don't tell the others bout' what happened in here, I don't wanna hear their teasing."

Kiibo nodded, "Of course!" The robot intertwined his hand with Kokichi's. "Does... this mean we're... dating?" 

Kokichi laughed, "Really you idiot? Of course!" Kiibo smiled, slightly crying. "Now! Let's leave this closet. It's getting stuffy in here."

The two then left the room, OOO's and AAA's followed. Just at the moment Kokichi new something was off. He turned to look at Kiibo. Through his sweater he could see the illuminated out of battery symbol. This was going to be fun, Kokichi grinned. He knew that Kiibo acts like he's drunk when his battery is low. Kokichi made the, not so wise, decision to keep his mouth shut. 

Keade grinned, "You two would make the cutest couple!"

"Not as cute as you and hat boy over there," Kokichi quickly responded. Keade and Kokichi began to have an intense stare down. Glaring at eachother coldly, but grins plastered on their faces. Suddenly Kiibo made some sort of beeping noise. The robot hid his face, flustered that he beeped infront of everyone. 

"So Kiibo IS actually a robot," Shuichi muttered to himself, as if it wasn't obvious by the fact wires were popping out when Junko stabbed him. 

"Aw is someone running out of batteries?" Kokichi laughed jokingly.

"FucK yOu KoooooKichI!" The robot blurted out, pressing his finger into Kokichi chest. The robot action was not graceful, he stumbled like he just drank three beers. Kaito was laughing his ass off, while Keade was startled that Kiibo could use such words. Maki of course sat there stone faced, but if you looked closely you could see the faintest of smile. Shuichi was in the middle ground. Surprised, yet finding it hilarious. Kokichi giggled, he always found it funny how Kiibo acted when he ran out of power. 

"I'll go try to find a charger," Kokichi told the others. He then turned back to Kiibo. "Come on Kiibs let's get you plugged in." The two then went to Kokichi's room. Kokichi always had a spare charger for Kiibo laying around. Just at Kokichi found it began to try and grab it.

"Noooooo I don't wanna charge!" Kiibo whined.

"Come on Kiibo before you worry the others." Kokichi groaned, a bit annoyed by the robot's uncooperative attitude. 

"Worry the others? You've been worrying ME all week you purple haired rat!" Kiibo stumbled slightly closer to Kokichi. Great. A drunk call out. "But... your my purple haired rat." The robot then hugged Kokichi. 

"Kiibo!" Kokichi murmured, flustered. He then took this as an opportunity to plug in the robot. Kiibo could still be in function while plugged in, so Kokichi decided to chill here with him for a bit. He was going to enjoy all the time that he had left with Kiibo. It pained the purpled haired boy to even think about loosing the robot. Loosing his boyfriend. Kiibo was everything to Kokichi. Kiibo gave Kokichi something to fight for everyday. He then cuddled up to Kiibo. The robot smiled down at Kokichi, running his fingers through his hair. Nothing would ever separate the two. 

Or so they thought. 

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