Everything is perfect...? part 1/2

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          Kiibo, a skinny "boy" with white hair, made his was down the street. Today was the first day of summer break. The warm breeze blew his hair in all different directions. Kiibo of course had a smile on his face, his un-normally pale face. He was making his way to his friend's house to play video games. Kiibo skipped up to the door with a pep in his step. He rang the doorbell, tapping his foot for his friend to open the door. 


           Kiibo jumped as someone or something latched onto his shoulders. Of course it was Ouma, the purple hair boy was always a prankster type. Despite Kiibo knowing who latched onto him, he lost his balance. The two went crashing down, Ouma let out a yelp. They sat there in silence for a moment before laughing. Kiibo got up and dusted himself off. He offered Ouma a hand, but the little rat refused, Kiibo just rolled his eyes. 

            "Jeez Kiiboy I never knew you were that fat!" Ouma laughed, standing up and opening the door. Kiibo pouted and opened his mouth to argue but decided he better not. "Ya coming or not you robot?"

            "Ouma! Stop calling me Kiiboy first of all and... don't call me robot... I don't want anyone knowing" Kiibo said concerned that someone heard them and a bit angry. 


            "Ouma don't you dare"
            "KIIBOY!" Ouma yelled and ran inside the house. Kiibo wouldn't let him get away with it this time! He proceeded to chase Ouma around the house.  "Wow Kiiboy you're slow? Don't you have some sort of wheels that you can use?" Ouma teased, Kiibo face was red with anger. After awhile Ouma magically somehow got tired, surprising since he basically was on a 24/7 sugar high. The two sat on the couch. 
          "Video games?" Kiibo asked turning his towards the tiny purple hair boy. Ouma's eyes lit up, nodding his head up and down. Kiibo smiled, "I won't loose this time!"

           "Hmm? Ya sure bout' that Kiiboy? Last time I checked you haven't won a SINGLE match" Ouma said in a condescending tone. Kiibo face was as red as a tomato, making his skin look almost as white as his hair. Ouma laughed. "Aw Kiiboy is flustered!~ I mean who wouldn't be around me." Kiibo gave Ouma a look to shut up. 

                                                                   ~Some time later~

             The door creaked open, it was Ouma's dads. Ouma seemed to hardly notice them before they came up behind the two in an intense showdown. "Hi Ouma's dads!" Kiibo said looking away for a slight second then quickly turning back. Ouma's dads both went to Hope's Peak, one being an ultimate themselves. They were use to Kiibo basically being at their house all the time.

             Hajime smiled, "You know you can call us by our names Kiibo." He nervously nodded in return.

           Kokichi abruptly leaped up, making Kiibo jump a little. "Nishihi! I won Kiiboy!" Ouma's dads left them alone for now. 

           Kiibo groaned, "not again!" Kokichi smiled in return, the little rat. 

          "Aw there is always next time" Ouma said, cupping Kiibo's face in his hands. Kiibo instantly got fluster and gently shoved Ouma away. Ouma giggled to himself. "Anywayyyy, that was fun and all but what now?"

          "Hmm..." Kiibo lifted his hand and gently rested his finger on his chin. "Let's see what Shuichi, Kaede, and Kaito are doing!" Kiibo clapped his hands together. 

          "Let's been honest Shuichi and Kaede are making out somewhere and Kaito never liked me" Ouma stated, leaning back onto the couch. Kiibo frowned, Ouma looked over and felt a bit of quilt. "Well... maybe.." Kiibo beamed, but only for a second. "But we have to find them and spook them!" Kiibo sighed and got up. Kokichi leaped up excitedly, he took Kiibo by the arm and raced out of the door. "Kiibo and me are going out!" Ouma screamed before shutting the door. What has Kiibo got himself into?

Sorry that is short! It's late at night and I wanna draw. 

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