An hour

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Kiibo blinked, he was going with Hajime and Komeada. He didn't have to leave Kokichi behind. This has to be a dream, right? Kiibo will wake up at any moment, right? The robot was snapped back to reality by Kokichi. His face showing none of his emotions, Kiibo always hated that face. It may be the face of Kokichi, but what hurt the robot was the fact the boy refused to ever show himself. 

"When are we leaving?" Kokichi asked.

"I'd say in an hour," Komeada said, no worry in his voice at all.

"AN HOUR?" Kiibo yelled surprised.

 Kokichi covered the robots mouth, "Shut up the others are still here." Kiibo silently nodded in reply. Only an hour. An hour before their new life begins. What did they do to deserve this? All we did was become ultimates, is that such a crime? Hajime may have provided answers, but they were vague. Kiibo and Kokichi needed to do some digging.

Komeada smiled, he then turned around and walked over next to Hajime. The Ultimate's smile was forced. Kiibo detected the slightest hint of... remorse? Pity maybe. No that can't be right! They brought us into this mess, why feel guilty now?

"Hey Kiiboy! Let's get outta here," Kokichi whispered to the robot, tilting his head towards the door.

Kiibo slightly jumped, did he mean run away? Or take a breather? The robot blinked then replied. "S..sure! Assuming you don't mean... run away.." Kiibo said that last part quieter. 

"What do you think I mean?! Of course I mean running away. Let's get a head start and you can change your mind while walking." Kokichi stated, slightly surprised Kiibo didn't say yes right away. He knew Kiibo hated this 'drama' as much as he did. Though, it was Kiibo Kokichi was talking about. The robot always thinks things through before taking action. The tiny boy proceeded to drag the robot by the wrist out the door. Who knows what the two will face. But Kokichi was prepared for whatever was thrown at him. For everyone.

For Kiibo.

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