Is this fair?

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Kiibo was nudged awake by Kokichi. It was time for their friends to leave. This would be the last time they'd be able to see them In awhile. Kiibo's mind instantly flashed to Kokichi, then questioned where'd he be dragged to. What about the others? Did Hajime decide to give up on them? 

"Come on ya robot. We gotta say goodbye," Kokichi seemed oddly unphased. Kiibo shivered because of that fact. The two got up, Kiibo now fully charged, and entered the living room. Hajime was telling that what would be going on. Himiko actually showed up aswell. Her face twisted with misery and pain. Her eyes pleading for sleep, but unable to. They're treating it as if their friends are dead! We can't give up on them! Can we?

"Would you like something?" Komeada said, sneaking up behind him. Kiibo defensively grabbed the purpled haired boy's shoulder. Like that was going to do anything. Komeada smiled at the notion. Thinking about the hope of his once adopted son's future. 

"Not from you." Kokichi snarled, showing no compassion for the person he once saw as a father. Kiibo didn't dare but into the conversation. He was too scared to. The wrath of Kokichi was something not to take lightly. Even if he was his "boyfriend."

"I guess that's a reasonable response. I mean we did keep a secret from you." Komeade replied. Kiibo couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or understanding. The robot couldn't help but glance at the others. Despite Kiibo being a robot, he felt his heart shatter. His robotic heart. A heart that'll never really beat. They were all either crying or in deep thought. Not even Keade could even mange to cheer up the group. 

"... Hey Komeada?" Kiibo nervously asked, grabbing both Komeada and Kokichi's attention.

"Yes Kiibo?"

"If we're all being split. Which ultimate am I going with?" Kiibo said, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh. We decided that Hajime and I will be taking you Kiibo. And yes, Kokichi is coming with us too." The two gasped at The tall ultimate's words. This can't be fair! Can it? 

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