Everything is perfect...? 2/2

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                        Kiibo and Kokichi made their way down the block. Err... more like Kiibo was being dragged by Kokichi down the block. Kiibo started to sweat, he didn't realize how warm it was, if he did he would've taken off his jacket. Though he didn't know why he was wearing a jacket to begin with. The closest house to Kokichi's was Shuichi's, Kiibo can only pray they weren't there. Kokichi spun around and looked at Kiibo with stars in his eyes. Kiibo never realized how purple Kokichi's dark hair seemed before. He noted it. 

                         "Alright Kiiboy! Here comes the moment of truth. Though that statement alone may not be truthful from a liar like myself," Kokichi said with child like excitement. "Now, would Kiiboy like to do the honors?" The tiny boy smirked devilishly, but failed at actually looking scary more cute than anything. To Kiibo atleast- wait no... Kokichi isn't cute. "Earth to Kiibo!" Kokichi said waving his hand infront of Kiibo's eyes. The robot leaped up in surprise and apologized.

                           "Err.. yes! I'll do it" Kiibo said not fully aware of what he just signed up for. 

                             Kokichi beamed, "Wow never thought you'd agree so easily!" The sudden realization of what he has to do hit Kiibo like a ton of bricks, he has to bang on Shuichi's window. Kokichi began to drag Kiibo toward Shuichi's bedroom window. As Kiibo opened his mouth to protest Kokichi put his finger over Kiibo's mouth, startling him. Kiibo had all sort of mixed feelings about what was happening. Should he be scared? Or is it just a harmless prank? "Take it away Kiiboy!" Kokichi whispered still bursting with personality. Kiibo sighed and peered into the room. Keade and Shuichi were both on the ground putting together some sort of puzzle. Kiibo looked back at Ouma, who was seemingly proud of his shy friend, he turned back towards the window and took a deep breath. Kiibo pounded on the window and ducked, heart racing. 

                              "That.. that was more fun then I expected!" Kiibo admitted guiltily. 

                              Ouma giggled and leaped onto Kiibo giving him a hug. "Pft, you make it sound like we're murdering someone!" Kiibo awkwardly returned the hug, Ouma never hugged him before! Though, this isn't a bad thing Kiibo thought to himself. He smiled. Then suddenly Keade and Shuichi blocked them in. Ouma pushed Kiibo away, not wanting to give up his tough guy facade. 

                              "Aha! Got you two" Kaede said a huge grin on her face. "Come on Shuichi let's teach them a lesson." Shucihi nodded timidly showing a bit of determination. Kiibo looked at Ouma pleading for him to say something.

                              Ouma stood up, "Ya caught us! Wow I never knew that a master liar like me would go down like this." Kokichi made his way towards Shuichi, he out stretched his hand for a sign of peace. Shuichi was confused and nervously shook the tiny purple haired boy's hand. Ouma then shoved Shuichi, "come on Kiibo!" The robot jumped up and sprinted  towards Ouma. Kiibo was a bit surprised Ouma used his real name.

                              "Hey!" Kaede shouted running up to Shuichi and helping him up. Kiibo yelled sorry and ran after Ouma. 

                             When the duo finally stopped Kiibo spoke up, "didn't we want to ask if they wanted to hnag out?" 

                             Kokichi shrugged, "Meh" The boy caught his breath before continuing, "Looks like it'll be just you and me Kiiboy!" He smirked. Kiibo felt a bit funny but brushed it off. "Annywayyy! I'm kinda bored now. Let's go bother the avocado"

                             Kiibo sighed then laughed to himself, Ouma tilted his head slightly confused. "What is it Kiiboy? Come on don't you wanna spend time with me" Ouma pouted. 

                            "You forgot to call me 'Kiiboy' this time" Kiibo said smugly. Ouma's eyes widened and he got flustered.

                            "That doesn't- I mean-" He sighed, "I guess you won this time KIIBOY" Kokichi said in defeat, Kiibo grinned. "SoOOo, are we gonna pester our friends further now?" Ouma asked hoping for something exciting to happen. 

                            Kiibo shook his head, "I'm done putting up with you for today." 

                           Kokichi gasped dramatically, "what is that suppose to mean? Wow! How rude of you Kiiboy."

                          Kiibo laughed, "Cya tomorrow!" Ouma waved goodbye as they went their different ways. He still had homework to finish anyway. 

                       Once Kiibo got home he put on something more comfortable and finished his homework. He went up stairs and plugged his phone in and set it down on the nightstand next to his bed. Kiibo found his charger and plugged himself in. Just when he was about to power off for the day his phone buzzed. It was Ouma! Kiibo hastily entered his password just for his heart to drop. Ouma had heard something he shouldn't of had.

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