Here they came

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Kiibo could hear Ouma hold his breath as his parents walked in. He was shaking under the pile of blankets on Ouma's bed, hopefully they won't notice. 

"Kokichi! why are you awake?" Kiibo could tell it was Hajime talking, Komeada had a calm and relax voice even when angry. 

"Ya know just going to the bathroom!" Ouma grinned lying through his theeth, trying his hardest not to scream at Hajime and Komeada. Yeah he was adopted, but they fucking lied to him! Ouma lied all the time but it was harmless. He hated this feeling in his stomach, he hated them even more.

"Kokichi... why are your eyes red?" Komeada asked, taking a step towards him. Kiibo had to do something before they figure out was going on. He did the only thing he knew that would get Ouma out of that situation. 

"I'm sorry! I'm here" Kiibo said lifting the blankets off of himself. He noticed Hajime sigh in relief, did he know? Is he trying to keep the secret locked up forever? Ouma turned towards him and gave him a look of 'what are you doing?!'. I weakly smiled back. 

"You didn't need to hide him from us you know" Komeada said ruffling Ouma's hair. Now that Kiibo thought about it none of his friends shared the same last name as their parents. How come he never noticed that? Could have he seen this coming?

"I'd thought you'd be mad at me for having friends over this late" Ouma shrugged, both of his par- no.. Hajime and Komaeda gave him a sympathetic glance. 

"We trust Kiibo, plus you haven't been getting as many detentions anymore since Kiibo came! You two have fun" Komaeda said before the two of them left the room. Both Ouma and Kiibo let out a sigh of relief.

"That... that was too close for comfort" Kiibo said, slumping back against Ouma's pillow.

"I can't believe them! Fucking liars!" Ouma muttered clearly enraged by what he just discovered.

"Ouma.. why don't we go to sleep? In the morning we can sort things out. If you want you can come to my house for a few days!" Kiibo offered. Ouma merely nodded and sighed.

"Alright... wait... are you gonna go home?" Ouma looked up to a flustered Kiibo. He didn't even think about going home.

"Do you want me to stay?" Kiibo said, tilting his head slightly.

"Yeah..." Ouma admitted, "I'll sleep on the floor I guess."

"No! Sleep in your bed I'll take the floor. I can't get any back problems or anything of the sort. It's way more logical for you to take the bed" Kiibo said, slightly offended that Ouma wanted to take the floor. He needed a good rest, plus he'd have to wake up to a cranky Ouma. That thought alone scares Kiibo. Ouma nodded and climbed into bed, he probably doesn't have the strength to argue. 

"Night" Kiibo stated, he didn't get a reply. Ouma must of went to sleep. Kiibo took a blanket and covered himself with it. Tomorrow is gonna be the worst day of his life, he just knew it. 

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