tragedy and despair all at one time

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Kiibo raced down the block in the pitch black. The darkness of the night that use to calm him, now it's just a mirror for what Kiibo feel inside. Endless darkness climbing up to Kiibo's heart, dragging it into the abyss of nothing. His life hasn't really come to this has it? Could what Ouma have seen be so bad that he actually cried? Or was it one of his famous lies? Kiibo stood infront of his house, his white hair a deep blueish purple reflecting the sky. Kiibo rounded the corner of Ouma's house and lightly knocked on the window as asked. He could faintly see the silhouette of Ouma, his purple hair shining in the pale moonlight. He quickly unlocked the window and helped Kiibo climb in. He could see the red stains on his delicate skin. 

"O..Ouma what did-" Kiibo stuttered out but was quickly interrupted by the tiny shaking boy hugging him. Ouma was always tiny, but now he looked as tiny as a little child. He use to be so bright and radiant, always a smile on his face. Now he was a frail boy, torn apart, and no clue what to believe in. Kiibo gently lifted his hands and returned the hug. He finally got the courage to continue his sentence, "Ouma what did you find?" 

Ouma lifted his head to look at Kiibo and gently pushed him away. Ouma wiped his red eyes and then spoke. "I.. I found out the reason most of us don't remember last year" He quickly grabbed some sort of file, a bunch of papers neatly stacked stuck together with a paperclip. Kiibo tilted his head, intrigued on the file in Ouma's hand. Could something like writing tear apart someone life? Rip a smile off a person's face? Kiibo could barely rap his head around what seem to be going on as Ouma continued to speak. "We're ultimates... which is not a bad thing, but apparently our memories have been wiped." Ouma barely had the strength to take more, "I.. I don't trust my parents anymore. Why would they do this to us?" 

"I.. I don't know..." Kiibo said deep in thought, did Ouma's parents really do this? Even Shuichi's dad Makoto? This is all too hard to believe. 

Kiibo thinking was quickly stopped when Ouma spoke, "of course you wouldn't! You don't even have parents you heartless robot" Kiibo felt like Ouma's word just hit him with a ton of bricks. He can't mean that can he? Tears started to well up in his eyes threatening to spill. 

"Fine... maybe I'm an emotionless robot... atleast I'm not a heartless friend!" Kiibo said tears spilling from his eyes. His tears gushed out like Niagara Falls. Ouma was his only good friend. Did he mean what he said? Kiibo tried to scan Ouma's face for the slightest trace of guilt, but it was too dark to confirm anything. In return to Kiibo's comment Ouma sobbed quietly to himself. Kiibo debated weather or not he should leave. No. Ouma needed him more than ever. Kiibo walked towards Ouma and rapped his arms around him.

"... what?" Ouma asked very confused on why Kiibo hugged him after what he said.

"You know you'll never be able to get rid of me Ouma" The robot replied smiling. "I know you didn't mean what you said... I'm sorry about what I said, you're a great friend." Kokichi smiled slightly, making sure Kiibo didn't see.

Suddenly foot steps started to come down the hall. Kokichi quickly started to fumble around trying to cover up Kiibo being there. Kiibo didn't even have time to think as he was shoved under a pile of blankets. 

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