It was that one moment where you two stared at each other. Just analysing each other, asking questions through your eyes, wanting the other to surrender somehow, weighing your sudden surge of desire against your ego. Just like that...

He looked at you in so much confusion, with his lips parted.

"y/n?" he asked.

"Fuck me, husband" you said.

"Fuck..." he almost gasped as he scanned your fragile figure, with your disheveled hair, swollen lips and bare thighs. He couldn't believe you wanted him.

"Tell me if you don't want this" he said hurriedly as he started unbuttoning his shirt, still straddling you as if you were a butterfly that would escape if he let go for even a moment. Your head dropped backwards as you sighed in surrender, letting him know that you wanted it too, enough to let him take you.

"Take off, everything. Everything. Fast..." he said in an urgent voice as flung his shirt away and started with his jeans. You got rid of your shirt and shorts before he could get back to you, while staring at his oh-so-perfect body, ready to become one with yours.

"Fuck," he said as he came back to you and pinned your wrists above your head. He started kissing your neck, leaving moist patches that felt so sensitive to the cold December air.

He took your lips in a heated kiss, engulfing them completely. His tongue delved inside and he caressed yours insistingly, exploring everything. His hands roamed all over your body, touching, feeling, caressing you.

"Fuck. Fuck" he kept saying as his hand found its way between your legs and you moaned in pleasure. He fastened his movements while watching your face, your eyes closed and lips parted. He was lost, the fact that he could give you all that pleasure made him ecstatic and he couldn't take his eyes off you.

He took his time to arouse you and when you both couldn't resist anymore he finally claimed you in the most intimate way possible. That's when you cried out his name.


There was no one else in your head when Jimin took you higher and higher with him until you both reached heaven.


When you woke up, for a strange reason you felt so complete and so content you couldn't even believe you were the same person about a month before. The glow on your face was unreal too and that little smile you had seemed strange to you as well. You felt so beautiful, so content, so happy. Until...

Until an ache started forming in your heart again.


You missed him again.

You missed how he loved you.

You wondered how it would've felt if it was Jungkook.

Trying to shut him out of your head and ignore the soreness you felt, you got out of your bed and walked wobbling towards the kitchen. There you saw a shirtless Jimin with a spatula held like a sword, trying to fight the splattering egg in the frying pan.

"Jimin??" you asked, trying not to look down.

"I was hungry so I thought I should make myself some breakfast. And for you as well..."

Two Percent Straight || Jungkook x Reader x JiminUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum