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"Merry Christmas," Gwen smiled straddling Charles who was asleep on the bed. She ran her fingers up his hard chocolate chest. He groaned in his sleep, she arched her back and laid her chest against his and kissed his cheek. He chuckled feeling her tongue trace against his neck.

"Get up! I made breakfast," She said climbing off of him.

"I'm coming," he mumbled watching her run out the room excitedly.

Gwen rushed downstairs seeing Freckles, Charles Dalmatian, sitting under the bar with his tail taping excitedly. He could smell the bacon Gwen cooked.

"Only because it's Christmas," She said picking up a slice of bacon to drop to the ground for Freckles.

By the time Gwen was finished making their plates, Charles was coming downstairs. Gwen eyes lifted up seeing he decided to only wear grey sweatpants with no shirt.

"Oh you trynna have a baby?" She asked looking up from his print that was showing.

He laughed walking to her, "It's too early to play with your ass," He said leaning in for a kiss which she gave him.

"The plan for the day is to eat, open present, and chill for the rest of the night," She said watching him take a piece of bacon off his plate.

"Sounds good to me," He said walking toward the back door to let Freckles out so he could handle his business.

Charles whistled lowly, the dog that was resting by Gwen's feet got up and rushed toward Charles.

Gwen untwisted the bottle of water she had and took a sip. Her body felt refreshed feeling the aqua enter down her throat. Gwen didn't usually drink water, she was more of a wine or juice kind of person.

"How you sleep?" Gwen asked Charles who joined her at the kitchen table with his plate.

"Great," He smiled, Gwen chuckled. The couple has been going at it like they were on their honeymoon— every time they had free time they were smashing.

"I'm going to start calling you Bunny," Charles joked eating a piece of his waffle.

Gwen laughed, "I like that."

"I bet you do," He chuckled rubbing his large hands together.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm still recovering from last night," She blushed looking down at her plate.

He chuckled, "Bunny, I'm not even trying to mess with you right now," Hs smiled. Charles was still drained from last night, he needed a couple of days to regain his strength.

Once they were done eating, Gwen moved into the living room while Charles got Freckles out of the cold.

Gwen was criss-crossed on the floor by the tree. She couldn't believe the amount of presents she had under the tree. Charles didn't bother to wrap the boxes so Gwen saw all the designer things he bought her.

Charles definitely showed out.

"This is a lot of stuff," she smiled crawling across the floor to get his gifts.

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