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"Thank you for this sis. I owe you one," Johnathan said placing the pizza he bought on Gwen's black marble countertop.

Gwen decided to catch up with her friends for a Sunday dinner before they went back to New York. They understood she had to babysit and went bar hopping around the city with Stacy. Gwen didn't mind. She was a more of a homebody anyway.

"It's no problem. Let me know when you're on your way in the morning, so I can have them ready for you," Gwen said receiving hugs from the twin boys Jason and Jason. Gwen bent over and hugged her nephews back. They love their Aunt G. She was extremely laid back and spoiled them every time she took them out.

"I'll be here around 8." Johnathan said walking back to the front door while his children started eating the pizza.

"Cool, tell Sammie I said hi and y'all have fun." Gwen said placing her hands on her hips watching head for the door.

"We will. You going to moms luncheon tomorrow right?" He asked looking back at Gwen.

"About that.." Gwen mumbled scratching her temple.

"Aye, forget I asked! I don't wanna get between you and moms this year. I had enough of that drama last year." He opened her front wooden door shaking his head.

"Be safe," Gwen chuckled before closing the door after him. Gwen locked up the front door and went into the living room. She picked up the remote and turned to CSI:Miami. In the middle of her episode the twins joined her.

"What's up!" Gwen smiled embracing Jordan who sat next to her.

"Hi!" He chuckled embracing her back.

"What you been up to? How's school going?" She asked watching Jason join the conversation.

"Nothing.." he smiled. "Mom is having a baby!" He informed her the news.

"Are you excited?"

"No!" Jason and Jordan exclaimed in unison.

Gwen chuckled, "Why?"

They both begun to speak at the same time but Jason allowed Jordan to go first.

"Because we have to share a bedroom now!"

"Yeah! And Jordan stinks!" Jason exclaimed causing Jordan to defend himself. Gwen shook her watching the brothers throw jokes at each other. In a blink of an eye, they were on the ground fighting.

"Okay, okay!" Gwen said standing up to break the boys apart. A few moments later, she finally got them separated.

"Go finish upstairs and remember.."

"No fighting." They said in unison before running upstairs. Gwen sighed and lifted her feet on her sofa. She laid down and picked up phone. She skimmed through social media and her messages. She replied to a message to Charles before locking her phone up. She sighed clicking on Snapchat.

The sight of her friends having a great night caused a slight pout to appear on her lips. She was now regretting canceling on them. They were starting early and was planning on partying all night like they use to in college. She sighed loudly, dropping her phone to the ground. She watched her television until her eyes grew heavy.

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