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"What's new?" Charles asked Gwen who was sitting in front of him in a booth at a Mexican restaurant Gwen wanted to try for lunch.

It's been three month since they made it exclusive and everything has been going in the right direction so far.

"Nothing much.. my mom reached out to me this morning," she said stirring a black straw into her tequila sunrise cocktail.

"How you feel about that?" He questioned looking at her noticing she trying to keep her emotions together.

She shrugged, "She does this all the time when I do something she doesn't like. She cuts me off like I'm her friend until she's ready to talk," She responded lifting her eyes up to him.

"Are you going to tell her how it makes you feel?"

She shook her head, "She doesn't care I've already told her before and nothing ever changes."

"Maybe you shouldn't rush into making up with her. Give it some more time and let her feel your pain but not showing up. Show up on your own time when you're ready," He suggested giving her advice.

"That might work."

"You might as well try." He suggested hating the fact he couldn't show affectionate to his woman in public.

Gwen and Charles are both basically celebrities. They're both wealthy CEO's and usually have a lot of press and clout. He was ready to come out to the world with her but she wasn't yet. She wanted to take it slow and make sure they relationship was strong enough to handle the backlash they would receive from outsiders.

"What's wrong?" Gwen questioned concerned. She's been around Charles a while now and knew when things were bothering him.

"Nothing," he said taking a sip of his Old Fashion drink.

"You sure?" She asked concerned, and he nodded shaking it off. He knew it wasn't too serious especially since they're relationship is still fresh.

He watched the waiter bring their food to the table.

He thanked him.

"Okay... guess what!" She smiled looking down at the sight of her delicious food.


"I've been asked to do a few magazines spreads and interviews," She smiled telling him the good news.

He smiled hearing the good news, "That calls for a toast," He smiled lifting his glass, she lifted her glass and tap hers against his making them click together.

"I'm proud of you."

"Thank you. That means a lot to me coming from you."

The couple soon finished their meals over a nice conversation before heading their separate ways to their offices.

"How was your lunch?" Stacy asked Gwen who was sitting at her desk eating a cup of noddles.

"It was good," Gwen smiled looking down at her wet denim All Stars.

"That's good to hear! You don't have anything left on you schedule except prepare for the photo shoots next week," Gwen nodded sliding a cover on her wet umbrella.

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