Chapter 4

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It was Sunday the next morning, and I woke up to find myself alone on the bed. I looked around but couldn't find Rem anywhere. "Remington?", I called out for him. He didn't even leave a note or something so how could he leave without saying anything? Then I smelled something. Eggs and pancakes. I also heard soft singing, like someone was humming a song out loud. I proceeded to climb out of bed and head out the bedroom door. I walked down the hallway and turned at the end to find Remington in my kitchen making breakfast on the stove, still with no shirt on, but I didn't care at the moment. I was staring in awe at the sight of my loving boyfriend making breakfast for me and his beautiful voice singing a song I couldn't recognize. I walked over to him quietly, sneaking up behind him until I was close enough to wrap my arms around him and plant a small kiss on his spine. He tensed at my contact but soon relaxed as he turned and embraced me back and look at me lovingly, it made me blush a little. "Good morning, my angel", he said before kissing me sweetly, I smiled as I said back, "Good morning, my prince." He grinned as he held me close, I didn't want this moment to ever end.

"Did you sleep okay last night?", he asked as he finished up the breakfast for him and me, I nodded and mentioned, "I always sleep more soundly when I'm with you." He smiled at my statement and after handing me my plate and cup of coffee, he sat next to me on the couch with his own plate and we set them down on the coffee table before he draped his arm around my shoulder. I instinctively rested my head on his shoulder and he ran his hand through my long, red hair. "I had a dream about you last night", he said to me, I raised my brows in surprise and asked, "Really?" He nodded and explained, "I dreamt that I found you in a large crowd while me and the band we playing a show, and I swear, you were the only thing I could focus on. You looked so beautiful, just smiling at me and never taking your eyes off me at least once." I blushed as he looked at me longingly, and he placed a soft kiss on my forehead before kissing my cheek and then my lips. Something sparked within me and somehow, the kiss became more passionate and I ended up straddling his lap on the couch as I continued kissing him running my hands through his hair and he placed his hands on my back.

He chuckled a little in our kiss and said, "Baby, aren't you hungry?", I continued kissing him as I answered his question, "Just let me love you for a moment. I really missed you." I somehow moved my lips down to his neck and My God, the sounds he made when I did that made me feel something I never have before, and I pulled away before it got any worse. "Uh, sorry about that", I apologized as I got off his lap and sat down with my head hanging down, "I didn't mean to take it that far." He took my hand gently and rested his head next to mine, "Don't be sorry, ma chérie.  I liked it." I looked up at him and he gave me a warm smile before kissing my cheek, causing me to smile and then we went ahead to eat our breakfast. After we finished, we just rested back on the couch, Rem laid back  while he let me lay my head on his chest and under his chin. "Carina", he said out of the blue, I responded, "Yes, Rem?" He hesitated which made me confused then he spoke again. "There's a reason I wanted to stay over last night besides being with you." "What do you mean by that?" Rem pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation, it started to worry me and then he sad with a hesitant tone, "After the summer is and the band will have to stay in LA a lot. We won't be able to stay here as much as I want."

I looked up at him and could see that he was genuinely sad that he would be away often. Now I know why he insisted to be with me ever since we left the party last night. "You want to spend as much time with me as you can before you have to go", I said out loud. He nodded and I smiled as I laid my hand on his cheek, he looked into my eyes as I told him, "Remington, I think that's very sweet of you and I didn't think you'd want that. But I'm not gonna leave you anytime soon, this is my home now." He smiled as he kissed my hand, but the look on his face after told me he apparently had more to say, "There's something else we've decided to do with the exception of Sebastian." "What's that?" "Me and Emerson have decided to drop out of college." That caught me off-guard at first, but he took that in a negative way, "Pretty pathetic, isn't it? Giving up school to be rock singers? What do you think people will think-" "REM, STOP IT!" He stopped talking and looked at me in fear. I motioned for us to sit up and I took both of his hands in mine as I looked at him with a stern expression on my face and in my voice.

"You've been working all your life to finally achieve your dreams by enduring the unnecessary prejudice of your own hometown only to find out your dreams are bigger than this small town and the people here. And you're gonna feel insecure now because you're sacrificing your education to be something that is bigger than that? I don't think so. I know you, Rem. You'd be miserable staying here at the school only to get a degree in something you'll never be interested in. Your progress in school does NOT define your worth and intelligence as a human being. That's just a stupid label people use to undermine others. You are meant to be successful in your own way of working in this world. It's your passion for music and performing that will earn you a place in this world. I'm trying out school because for all my life, I wanted to be different from other women, like my mother. She believed the only way to be comfortable and happy as a woman was to get married at a young age. But I didn't want to be tied down, I wanted to be something bigger than that. I want to be able to call the shots and be my own boss, and never have to depend on anybody. Do you understand?"

He just sat there in silence, and I was scared I might have made him angry or upset. When I least expected it, he took my face in his hands and crashed his lips on mine, my heart stopped as he did that. I melted in the kiss and held his face as I kissed him back. After a minute, he pulled away and shook his head in astonishment as he told me, "You are the most incredible woman I've ever met in my life and I don't deserve you." I giggled as I kissed him once more and told him, "As long as you love me and accept me, you sure as hell do." He let out a laugh and pulled me in for a hug, I felt so much happiness just holding him in my arms. "You should go see your mom, Rem", I suggested when we pulled away, "She must miss you more thna I do." He kissed my forehead and told me, "She knows where I've been, I told my brothers I wanted to stay with you." I gasped in shock that he knew he'd be with me, but I think his family knows he's very respectful of me, so I let it slide. "Still, I want her to see you again. We can go to your house together so I'll still be with you." He beamed before he helped us sit up from the couch and state, "I'd like that very much."

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