Chapter 73

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Carina's POV

It was the week of not only Remington's birthday, but the release of Palaye Royale's very first record. It would be out a few days after his birthday and he told me and our friends that the studio would be throwing a launch party for the record in a large, fancy suite in L.A. where every musician and band of Sumerian Records would be attending as well. Lucky for us, the studio granted the boys one exclusive invite each for anyone they wanted they bring. It would include paying for their flight and their stay at the suite if they choose to. Me, Nina and Allegra were asked to come along, but I almost felt bad since Delilah is so far along her pregnancy that she cannot move as much and therefore, could not come with us. She told me it will be okay and that I should give the boys her support and love. With Del's blessing, I was excited to be able to celebrate with Remington and everybody else for the biggest day of the boys' lives.

A few days before the big event, which would be Friday, I had already scheduled some time off from work to be able to travel to Los Angeles. It seemed everyone here in Querencia were expressing their support for the boys as they prepared to ha e rheri record stores stocked up with the new record and even dressed up like rock n' roll fans. It was very endearing to see and if Palaye were here to see this today, they'd be crying like babies at how their own hometown was giving all their support for them when they hadn't in the past. A day before I was planning to board the plane to L.A. with my friends, however, I was completing an assignment for my Public Speaking professor when he leaned down near my desk and asked me to meet him privately after class. I was confused and wanted to ask why, but he didn't say another word as he returned to his desk and I went back to my work.

When class was finally over and I agreed to meet with my professor, I wasn't sure what to expect since I hadn't caused any trouble. Then he spoke and began to accuse me, "So...that band of boys you're close to is releasing a record soon, are they?" A look of confusion was present in my face as his question baffled me, I was expecting something more serious relating to my academics. I shrugged and replied with, "Um, yeah. Why do you care? You clearly aren't supportive of the kind of music they play." He raised his voice at me then, "You're damn right, I don't! Things were fine and peaceful in this town until you had to encourage to disgrace it with their loud music and garbage words. You think you're high and mighty in this school because you think you made a difference? Think again, sweetheart. Don't forget who's been here longer than you ever will." The fucking audacity of this man to try to demonize me for doing the right thing! I had enough as I began to express my frustration at him.

"You know what? You might be right. I might not be here as long as you have, but at least I'll be remembered as the girl who stood up to make things better for everyone while everyone will forget you because your way of thinking is nothing they want to remember. Who do you think you are to make me feel bad for doing what's right despite being a complete stranger here knowing nothing but that it was wrong to deprive the youth of their freedom to express themselves in the form of music that was the most liberating and realistic? You may not respect me for having more balls than most boys in this school, but I don't see how anyone can respect you for being so close-minded and prejudiced against a student just trying to get where they need to be." I stopped to hold myself from saying anything else that may not be worth the effort, but I did take my things and glance at him once more before stating, "Fail me and flunk me if you want, I don't care. I've already reported you for your inappropriate behavior and I hope to see justice is done soon."

I went to work after that and just kept my focus on my tasks so I wouldn't have to think about my confrontation with my professor who I'm sure will spew horrible things about me because I couldn't take his shit anymore. When I got back home, I sat on the couch and stressed about whether or not this might work out for me. It was May now meaning that the semester would be done in a month. With finals coming up, I wasn't sure what would happen in-between. I said it with my gut when I told him I didn't care if he failed me, but I hoped my academic record wouldn't be greatly affected by a possible fail when I've never gotten one since I started attending this school. Not wanting the stress of it all to affect my mood or health, I decided to shift my attention to the fun and exciting weekend I would be having with everyone I love. I had a special present saved to give Remington as well. Both as a birthday gift and a way to show how proud I am of him and his brothers.

I began to pack my things for tomorrow night when me and my friends would be boarding the plane to arrive in time to enjoy the day before the big even would happen at night. Nothing filled my heart with more joy than to feel proud of all my friends and loved ones beginning to make their mark on the world and getting to where they want to be. I hope that somehow, I'd reach that milestone as well. As I fell asleep that night, I had a dream about me still living in my hometown, but it was strangely vacant and deathly quiet. It made me uneasy to find no one to give me any company, not even my parents. Then after a few minutes of feeling lonely, I felt someone's hand touch my shoulder and I turned to find Remington standing in front of me. The way he looked at me sent my heart flying as he took my hands in his to pull me closer to him, and then he swept me off my feet as he picked me up off of the ground and whispered in such a sweet voice, "You don't ever have to feel scared anymore, ma chérie. I will always be here for you because I love you with every ounce of my being." His words made me tear up as I leaned in to kiss his sweet lips and get lost in a beautiful moment.

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