Chapter 72

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Once we finally returned home to Querencia, things were calm for a while. Then Palaye got a call from their manager explaining that since their record is due to be released very soon, it was time to start promoting themselves through magazine photoshoots and public appearances. The boys were very excited to introduce themselves to the world and let everyone know who Palaye Royale are. This obviously meant they'd have to go back to L.A. for a while for all of this, but I didn't feel as sad this time because I was more excited for all of them to be moving up in their career. The only thing I felt bad about is that by the time Remington's birthday comes around, he'll be in L.A. and I'll still be here occupied with school and work. He said it was okay because he understands we both have obligations, and stated that I could still make it up to him when I found the time. As he was done packing up the day before his departure, I took him aside to give him something. It was the ruby ring I intended to give him on Valentine's Day before things went sour back then, and he expressed his gratitude to me by making love to me multiple times that night.

Though we didn't want to leave each other's side after such a passionate and fulfilling night, we knew at this point that no distance could ever break us as a couple. I congratulated the band once more for getting this far in their career, and they told me they were happy to have me as a part of their lives, which flattered me to an embarrassing degree, but I loved them so much. As our friends bid goodbye to them before they boarded the plane, I felt such ecstacy to know my loved ones were beginning to reach closer to their dreams and I would be cheering them on for as long as I'm breathing. While the next couple of days for me felt like routine and Remington would sometimes be all I could think about, I noticed something interesting when I would spot Finn spending much more time with his roommate, Leona. The way he was smiling while with her, was exactly how I do when I'm with Remington. Has he grown closer to her beyond just friendship? I didn't know Leona as well as I wanted to, but she always seemed sweet despite being hard on herself. I think she was just perfect for someone like Finn.

Remington's POV

Even while recording this record was stressful, promoting it felt like it took more work as we were scheduled for many photoshoots and interviews. It was nice to see good people again here in L.A. such as Sadie and Holden, but since Holden was still dating Vera, she was still trying to seduce me which was starting to get on my nerves. I normally don't hate women, but it felt annoying and disgraceful that someone like Vera knows damn well I'm not only taken, but loyal as hell to the girl I love more than anything, and she doesn't even care if anyone will get hurt by her actions. Part of me really wanted to tell Holden about her behavior to save him the heartbreak, but I knew it was none of my business yet I wish he knew she wasn't as perfect as he once believed. I tried my best not to stress about it as I continued to reject her advances and focus on a current photoshoot the band was doing for a music magazine called Alternative Press. They were very cool and seemed to be greater supporters of us than everyone else we've met here so far.

They brought a journalist as well to ask us a few questions about ourselves as people and as musicians and everything we stood for. They interviewed us one by one and each time, gave us the freedom to talk about anything we wanted to without any barriers. When it was my turn, I wasn't sure what to say at first since I was a little nervous, then I glanced at the ruby ring in my hand that Carina gave to me as a gift. I remembered how much she inspired me to continue believing in my dream when I believed for the longest time, it was already dead. I told the journalist about how I've learned to stop caring about what everyone else thinks and just believe in myself and how the people in my life who believed in our dream before this are the greatest reason why we know this will work. I told them how I hoped our music and image would inspire others to know they weren't alone in the world and they had someone who understood where they were coming from. How at the end of it all, we as the misunderstood, are more than what we seem.

I felt good about myself and our band and couldn't wait for everyone to read this issue that we would appear in, especially on the front cover as the breakout artist of the year! I just know our mom and all of our friends back home will be so proud of us when they see us in the magazine. There was nothing I wanted more in this world than to finally achieve this life-long dream of being legendary rockstars to be remembered for generations. I remember being embarrassed one time in my life for have such unrealistic goals, but after meeting Carina, she assured me no dream was stupid if I truly and genuinely believed I could do it. I owe her so much for everything I'm doing, I wanted her to know she was everything to me even if we would end up being rich and famous. I'm pretty sure she had an idea, but I never wanted her to forget as long as she continued to make me so happy. God, I was so excited to share everything I had with her and make her realize she was all I needed to feel successful.

When Mrs. Infamous Loved The Masochist... (BOOK 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora