Chapter 66

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Carina's POV

April came and spring by then was in full bloom. While the weather was brighter and the flowers were lovely, some days were more wet than others on rainy days that made me wish I stayed home instead. At the end of the first week of April, I felt relief to have a free day to myself as I cooped up in my bedroom and read books for a few hours. Remington spent his morning writing some lyrics in the library. I gave him his personal space out of respect until I began to hear him play the piano Nina gifted to us which was in the library close to the window. I got up from our bed to head downstairs quietly and peek from the doorway as I observed him playing soft and comforting music that captivated me. But it was when he began to sing softly to himself that I felt my heart aching and yearning for him, making me feel more than grateful to have such an angel like him to be the one I love more than anything. I walked quietly towards him as he continued to sing so I wouldn't interrupt him.

All my friends say it's raining
But I don't see no rain today
My mind is feeling warm
But my body don't feel the same way (ay, ay, ay)
Following the rain down the drain
I'll be like this till my last days
'Cause all my friends say it's raining
But I don't need no raincoat today
I don't need no raincoat, hey, today


Well I've tried to steal her bedside meds
I've tried to get inside her head
What's wrong with me?
She's painting figures with her hands
She thinks she's lost in Neverland, uh
Well she's not wrong, no, no, no

Well I tried to sell my soul today
How did I end up in this place?
With me and you, and you and me
Well I tried to sell my soul today
I tried to put the past away
Ay, ay, I don't see no rain today

When I finally got close to him, he finally noticed my presence and smiled before he pulled close to him and pressed his lips against mine. I kissed back with a smile and then I pulled away to tell him, "It sounds like such a beautiful song, Remington. Will it be on this new record?" He shook his head and told me, "No, but I'm hoping to get it on the next one we get to put out. It doesn't make sense now, but I hope these songs we release will mean something to anyone who decides to listen to them." I leaned my head on his shoulder as I said to him, "I'm sure they will to a lot of people. Music doesn't have to be literal and can still mean so much to one person. To me, rock n' roll meant freedom and power for me, and it's led me to what feels like the best time of my life." He chuckled and kissed the top of my head as he commented, "I know what you mean, ma chérie."

An hour later, we watched television on the couch. It was pretty normal for a while until two characters in a movie we were watching ended up going for more than a simple kiss and I felt myself blushing at the intense scene, especially sitting close to Remington. He must have known how I was feeling when he began to wrap his arms around my waist and then play with the hooks on my bra inside my shirt. I gasped in surprise as he began to push me down on the couch onto my back and I exclaimed, "Rem! What are you doing? Isn't it kind of early for this?" He smirked at me, leading me to blush more than I wanted, before leaning down to kiss my neck and collarbone and cause me to let out soft sighs of pleasure. He moved his lips to press onto mine as he kissed me so passionately and then pull away to state, "It's hard to schedule the times I want you for myself when you can be so fucking irresistible, my alluring angel."

Feeling myself giving into his words, I waited for him to kiss my lips again when the phone near us began to ring on a table placed next to the couch. I reached for the phone and proceeded to answer it despite Remington still pressing his lips onto my skin, "Ahem, H-Hello?" Any desire or lust I was feeling for Remington vanished as I heard crying through the phone and could tell immediately the voice belonged to Nina and worry and concern took over. I pushed Rem away from kissing me and he stopped while climbing off of me as I sat up to listen to Nina, "C-Carina...I-It's Ivory..." I was confused as I asked her politely, "What's wrong with Ivory, Nina?" She sniffled a little bit and tried her best to stop her crying as she answered my question and my heart shattered for her, "...S-She's dead! She wouldn't wake up and she's cold...I've lost her, Carina!" She cried harder for a while and I let her as I soothed her through the phone and reassured her that everything would be okay as I promised to come over there soon and help her with Ivory.

She thanked me for my kind words and bid goodbye to me before she hung up to tell Emerson. As I placed the phone back on the receiver, Remington took my hand gently and asked, "Carina, what happened with Nina?" I looked back at him and sadly told him, "It's her cat, Ivory. She passed away and Nina's taking it very hard." He looked sad for Nina as well and pulled me close to him as I could feel Nina's pain in losing something she cared deeply about. I shed a few tears as I sadly stated, "This is such a horrible time for this to happen. Nina's got her audition for the music academy coming up and to have this happen is so unfair. I hope she'll be okay, I have to help her get through this." Remington took my hand and brought it to his lips as he kissed it and told me, "We'll all help her get through this. She's family to me just like all our friends are. We'll always be there for each other." I smiled as I kissed his lips so sweetly and we made our way over to Nina's place to help her cope with her loss.

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